Lets buff HP guys 🤡

I guess they want people to play shuffle/solo Q only, Where This does not matter as Dampening is ramping up at insane rates. Also HP is irrelevant when DMG is high, some classes on Beta do busted dmg.


The game is already to slow as it is. You can’t exploit ppl for making bad moves anymore, like getting dragged behind pillars and whatnot by yourself.

In order to 100-0 someone, you need 2 dps with their big cds up and at least 5s of cc. The best days where when pvp made exploiting other ppl’s mistakes rewarding, even if it was for on use pve dmg trinkets. You got someone in a bad spot, you pop your trinket, cds and use some cc ability and you could actually get something done.

Now, even if you get someone in a bad spot, you either don’t have the dmg to get something done, or they have one of the 5 defensive cds ready to go the second they get out of cc…Boring gameplay.

The game is actually so slow that my solo shuffle round started, I dc’ed…came back about 45s later and I wasn’t dead yet

Long time ago they actually wanted to get rid of the million + HP, and do pruning to the overload of spells…I don’t know why they would now go the other direction again


Aren’t you the feral that died from 80% in like 2 seconds? Either there’s another feral with a similar name like yours or you straight up died from 80% in 2 seconds and call the game slow, lol.

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Pure provement that fast paced games are low skill and not worth of respect:
Bots which are capable to reach 2.4k+ glad even… now question to anyone who defend fast paced game: Is it posisble to create such a bot in medium paced or slow paced game? Answer is big NO, because in that scenario bot will need advaced thinking and tactic which bot programing cannot do…

Slow paced pvp is boring as sh1t. Lets be real here.

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This is truth, slow pace is somewhat boring, but its high skill gameplay

Fast pace is low skill gameplay, not worth of respect and not enough quality to be e-sport gameplay

What we need is actualy mid-paced gameplay…

Round ended in like a minute to unhealable damage.

This is just stupid.

Monk was doing 213k DPS & fury warrior was doing 151k. Once my CDs were over people just exploded.

Dont get me wrong, dmg right now is insane. I was just saying in general, slow paced pvp is boring.

the current no skill zug zug pvp is not fun either

I need to say: pls be quiet about this. This is really good chance.

Nothing dies already in what way is it a good change ? :smiley:

Hp wasn’t “stealth buffed” tbh, it was like that from the first day of alpha.

Also wouldn’t worry too much about the damage, most beta testers who tried pvp haven’t got a clue how to optimize gameplay, had a shuffle game this week where the lobby had some R1s and glads , the games were significantly faster than clips u’d normally see on utube.

Fast paced PvP doesn’t really take any skill, as anyone can kill anyone when the stars align.

Blizzard is slowly moving away from arenas, which is a good thing.

The issue you are referring to isn’t the dmg but more the absurd amount of defensive and passive heaming/absorb + micro cc.

These days you can buy times that way super often compared to before.

I don’t think getting more dmg to roflstomp people in 1 sec is fun or feel like you played well (e.g devastation or mm hunter for example).

Exactly even if my mother play if crit god says yes R1 will fall before hes mindless button spam.

Not to mention that people manage to create gladiator bot which is product of fast paced gaming, and fact that fast paced WoW is completly disconected from any form of advaced thinking and skill, just zug zug until crit god says yes !

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