Lets buff HP guys 🤡

  • Developer’s note: In The War Within, all character Stamina has been increased by 60% as part of an overall adjustment to the pace of healing gameplay. This increases the relative value of abilities that heal a percentage of a character’s maximum health. Many of these ability changes are to counteract that relative change. For instance, the percentage health that Frenzied Regeneration restores has been reduced by about a third, but the amount of health it restores has remained the same.
    Healers have more time to heal monks than other tanks because Stagger spreads out the damage that they take over time. Our goal is for monks to take a little more damage overall than other tanks to offset this effect. However, we feel their overall magic damage mitigation is a little low compared to other tanks and are improving it somewhat by buffing Stagger and its value against magic. To increase their physical damage taken overall, we are primarily reducing the dodge granted by Elusive Brawler and some of their other talents.

They literally stealth buffed stamina by 60% to make healers even more powerful than they already are? Here is your reason why everyone says the beta is too slow and damage doesn’t matter. Imagine going with such a change into TWW and not even mentioning it neither thinking what consequences this could have on PvP :clown_face:

Nerf stamina by 100% in pvp to make up for that garbage useless change


im really against boring slow metas but lets not talk about meta and balance before the season even started.
Lets see how the game feels in september.


The beta is out for you to test it as we speak. And it has been tested. Shuffle rounds dont end until 70% damp so every round is a minimum of 2 mins and 30s. 1m crits dont move your HP when you’re running around with 8m HP and so on. What else do you want to wait for?

Exact for that reason the beta exists :skull: so we dont have to betatest on live servers which we will have to do anyways, but these things seem rather very obvious from the get go.

the last expansions they always started balancing pvp in the first 2 weeks of the season.
I mean they just removed all the pvp modifiers with the last patch obviously its not ready.

Should/Could they do it differently? yes. but thats how they do it all the times. Beta gameplay has nothing to do with how live gameplay will be mostly.

Well maybe thats the issue and they should learn from it and do balance changes before it goes live? I dont remember a decent start of expansion without random oneshots that should have been nerfed long time before release. It’s Always garbage and Always makes me quit.


Patch note 2 weeks after launch: We have noticed that pvp pace is slower than we like So we have decided to increase all pvp damage by 1500%.


just quit playing, once enough people quit maybe they’ll do something, if not then time to find a new game, don’t give these greedy troggs over at Blizzard HQ any more money if you don’t support the product, very simple



I’ve played to like 2.1k mmr on the beta.

I’ve had plenty of games end before damp even hit 50%. You just need to follow up on CC properly instead of spamming it. No more “ZUG ZUG, I SPAM ALL MY CCS AND KILL SOMEONE BEFORE YOU EVEN HAVE A GCD READY IF YOU HAPPEN TO PRESS SOMETHING ELSE LOL”.


-Fast paced gameplay feels cheap and it is very low skill, its just not quality of gameplay worth of respect or E-Sport
-Slow paced gameplay tend to be time consuming and somewhat boring sometimes but its high skill gameplay

I think mid-pace is best.
Right now game is very fast paced and one of reason why WoW PvP feels like circus where classes almost cannot be played bad, like 2 apes fighting each others until one ape crits more than other.

So this new stamina change looks like a good change, it will promote people to engage more into selling tricks to opponent, tricking opponent, setup, do CC etc… instead just spaming 123 into win which shoudnt be rewarded at firstplace, but hopefuly party is over.


You say it as if you’re a special kind of specimen who just discovered how cc works and no one was able to followup on cc in the 16 years of arena.

This kind of gameplay exists already and I strongly assume you are not even an average player for you a GCD difference will never matter in pvp this only affects the highest top of players where one gcd will cost or win you a game so its absurd you talk about GCD differences at all.

I am really concerned how you figured out that CC suddenly matters more when everyones hp is being doubled. Can you explain me how the TTK from 4000k HP to 8000k HP decreases in a 6 second polymorph? How exactly are people dying by this followup cc you mentioned when people receive more HP? Lets say you even face a Restoration druid who will keep hots up on you, could you enlighten me how a 8000k HP target with hots up will die quicker now than before with 4000k HP especially because damage didn’t change?

Its insane seeing those fried takes

So let me get this straight having to decide in the heat of the moment, diffusing indicators, having a good team coordination with defensive useage or preemptively outplaying enemies and using your own tools at your advantage to quickly finish the game is considered cheap.

And then long games where 6 people hit on eachother for 10 minutes where they wait for the dampening timer to go to the 50% mark when healers cannot heal anymore.
The only thing that matters at this point is if you were boring enough to not play the game previously and have your offensive cds ready for the last push.

So this is considered high skill gameplay then.


I’ve had retri paladins at 2.4k mmr on retail die from 70% because they pressed TV and couldn’t bubble because of the GCD.


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I’m sure they’ll resolve pacing once TWW goes live. As stated previously, if the development that they do every expansion bothers you so much, speak with your wallet, don’t speak on the EU forums lol

On another note, I was really hoping they would do a stat squish

And the also unnerfed a ton of abilitys

The slow old man that i am is quit happy about that, maybe i main healer in TwW

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It’s coming in the next expansion after TWW.

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Players are forced to play with ALOT of addons to be competitive in your so called heat of moment. It is very cheap, feels like better do not win, and no one respect it… Just check how much respect AWC lost. Current pace is one of reason why WoW is E-Sport circus.

It is skill to know exactly when CC, it is skill to sell opponent a good trick, it is skill to know exactly when disturb when to damage, not just spamming 123 and see win screen like in current game.

In current game you not need much of these skills because you overwhelm your enemy with sheer damage and fast pace, and crit god can always says yes to you. In the end BETTER DO NOT WIN… We saw on AWC alot of games when players are obviusly better than others then get globaled, and lose game while those who not deserve go foward. This is breeding ground for disrespect, and it shoud be disrespected, and in E-Sport wold evrything is about respect, and you cannot respect undeserved winner. And fast paced game do exactly that IT IS FACTORY OF UNDESERVED WINS.

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They can’t keep doing that every expansion lol

no offense you are a warrior, ofc you would like fast gameplay where you are critting someone for their full hp, but its low skill, the majority of players do not enjoy this. Medium paced game play is best.

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Why not? didn’t realise stat squish had on use charges :wink:

Tbh faced paced in this game means someone for some unknown reason got buffed for 1000% and just runs around and oneshot people with 0 counterplay, for example bfa s1 when Rogues would 100-0 in 1 ability, not even global but simply by pressing deadly thrown. Same with rets in sl S1. Then there are classes that are usually unable to keep up with these oneshots such as shadows or affli locks who are suddenly unplayable cos they can’t kill till damp. In longer games better team has higher Chance to win while in short games everyone can randomly oneshot.