Lets discuss about artistic direction in TWW and goblins future updates

Difference is : theses picture are few mounts, not a specific feature

The D.R.I.V.E. Kart is also a first in World of Warcraft history, as it is supposed to be much faster than usual ground mounts. Ground mounts in World of Warcraft have had their staple 100% move speed since Classic, so it will be interesting to see just how fast you’ll be able to go on the ground with these rides.

the guy who tried to have the last word by showing few screenshot with hope gabriela, playing since 2005, doesnt know there are bike, goblin racial mount etc.

just lol

here we are talking about a dumb feature who s gonna replace the actual mount systeme.

We are talking about a special new feature.

With mount you showed, played still have the choice to use it or keep wolf, poneys, kodo and stuff

imagine these kart speed is 200 maybe 300% vs 100% actual mount

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Yet that same Quel’Dorei complains about “have you seen cars in LotR?! No!” “Do you wanna see a bunch of cars in Orgrimmar?! No!”

You disliking the game mechanics, sure, was the same with dragonriding, one likes it, others despise it, okay, but throwing around arguments like those because it’s a car and later on coming round like “Of course I know there were tech vehicles in WoW, duh”? C’mon…:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_crylaugh:

You can dislike the game mechanic, would’ve been the same if they’d use, I dunno, high speed running rats for that, but don’t complain about the art direction, making comparisons to other franchises only to fall back and say “Was only about the mechanic not the artistic part”

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Because few mounts is like gimmick.

There is also Rockets mounts. Do you think it can justify to have a new feature with a SpaceX lookalike big rocket to conquer a new planet in world of warcraft?

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Im waiting for the goblin cities but thats because I like goblins in general. Could been gnomes aswell and gnomeregan likewise but I think even though the comical style being the same goblin having bit darker humour. I also prefer lordaeron undercity over other horde cities so their darker theme fit for me.

They are just wild ingenious beings, but they kinda have to when their weapon is their mind and not their physical strength. Think this were one of the coolest posters for Cataclysm expansion back in the day. :dracthyr_a1:

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Take some :notes: Gnomes 'N Goblins :notes:, make them build a giant rocket, let them take a look at Naaru ship drive modules and try to somewhat recreate them and there you go: Up, up and AWAY! To where no :notes: Gnomes 'N Golbins :notes: have been before!
Sure that works out perfectly fine in WoW :dracthyr_nod:


You making this point and it’s about a location that’s been in lore forever. It’d be like complaining we’re going to quelthalas in midnight. It’s stupid

…Vulpera expansion, when?


When the hunting season is open.


oh NO, this poor mentally challenged soul is losing money and game time over Goblin themed patch… Not sure if even touching grass will help here, beyond lost.

We had roads and cars during Cata when the Goblin’s were introduced as a playable race. You can still play through Bilgewater Harbor as a new Goblin and access this. There are also already cars in the game as mounts and there is also the new Felblaze Cycle that just got introduced. Prior to Cata, we still had vehicles in the game lore, so it fits that we can drive them.

It’s a shame that the Zekvir-esk fight in Undermine(d) looks like the achievement is going to reward another Dirigible though, it would have been more fitting for it to reward a whole new skin for the car.

Oh I agree that the story, and how we got there was pretty bad. Turning Garrosh into a villain was just a very easy (and cheap) story beat to push everything else forward.

I’m not sure what would have been better, the last few corrupted orcs from outlands were too small of a threat. If there was timey whimey thing going on, they could have done it better for sure. AU Draenor Velen is evil for example and it flips the old plot in its head, orcs are good, persecuted and the draenei are tyrannical and corrupt.

Then we get to spend more time with different orc clans and explore their differences, try to unite them. Our 3 main enemies could have been fanatical draenei, infinite dragons and eventually Legion.

But generally, I’d rather they stay away from time convoluted time stuff, rarely works out.

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For me it is the highlight of the patch. Can’t wait to do donuts and kansei drfts around “traditional WoW thematic” locations and “true spirit of WoW loktar ogar” players :grinning::star_struck:

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I’m glad the goblins get some spotlight. They have always been steampunk along with gnomes and engineers. I will try the new car feature out and decide it after if I like it or not. As much as I like humans and elves, I hope we will get to see content in the future for the other races as well. I think it was great that in BfA the trolls also got some attention.


Gothic theme with ruins of gilneas and ruins of lordaeron, yes pls :slight_smile:


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