Let's discuss the 2s MMR state (schizo post)

So I checked my details from my seasonal 2.4 push to see what kinda people we were actually facing. Surprisingly, it was not as bad as last seasons, but still not ideal at all. (The following stats are taken from check-pvp, so e.g. if somebody is 2x elite 2x glad, that means they’re 4x elite as well, but the highest always counts)

My teams:

2.6 exp 7x elite 1x legend + 2.5 5x elite 2x glad 1x legend
--------------------------------------- 2.8 3x elite 1x glad
--------------------------------------- 2.6 1x elite 4x glad
--------------------------------------- 2.6 3x elite 2x glad

Enemy teams:

  1. 2.7 4x elite 1x glad + 2.4 1x elite
  2. 2.6 1x elite 5x glad + 2.6 2x elite 3x glad
  3. 2.5 2x elite + 2.5 1x glad
  4. alt acc 2.5 sglad + 2.4 6x elite 1x glad
  5. 2.5 5x elite + 2.6 4x elite
  6. 2.7 3x elite 2x glad 3x legend + 3.1 11x elite
  7. 3k 2x elite 3x glad + 2.6 3x elite 3x glad
  8. 2.7 3x elite 2x glad 3x legend + 3.1 11x elite
  9. 2.8 3x elite 1x glad + 2.8 2x elite 9x glad
  10. 2.6 4x elite + 2.7 4x elite 4x glad 1x legend
  11. 2.7 4x glad + 2.8 4x elite 1x glad
  12. 2.5 2x elite 1x glad + 2.7 5x elite 2x glad 1x legend
  13. 2.6 5x elite 2x glad + 2.6 3x glad
  14. 2.7 1x elite + 2.7 3x elite 4x glad
  15. 3.6 1x elite 4x glad 5x r1 + 3.6 4x elite 2x glad 3x r1
  16. 2.7 1x elite + 2.7 3x elite 4x glad
  17. 2.4+ at least 1x glad + 2.4+ at least 1x legend
  18. 2.5 2x elite 1x legend + 2.5 3x elite 2x glad 1x legend

It goes without saying that like 16 out of the 18 teams are simply not supposed to be at 2.4 mmr. At the same time, 2s is the practice bracket where you learn setups, communication, your own class, yada yada. However with this state and with what little rewards the bracket offers, how are people even supposed to be wanting to participate in it and actually get better at their own classes and playstyles, so that they can be prepared for progress towards gladiator?


Its not only specific to 2s, just saw 2x r1 on 2.2kmmr shuffle and third with 7x glad and heals from b tier classes with a rival max for exp. The match making is what it is in all modes and it doesnt prevent smurfing and pvp has been in pretty horrible state for long time, df only made it worse with shuffle and the way it emptied other modes.

They dont, they q up shuffle cause its easy and learn hardly nothing in there. They pay no attention to what their team are doing or think what kind of comp theyre playing or how to contribute to its strengths and weaknesses. If they never learnt to read cds or coordinate with team before they wont learn it in shuffles now either and theyre not going in arena anymore to learn play as team either cause of shuffle. Were stuck with this now till something changes cause we cant do much about it where majority of playerbase ques into, the change wont come from players end. The designers of these systems and modes hold all the power to that.


well elite (and legend) is nothing crazy anymore. with soloq now its much easier then before. also many people have their 3s rating highs from sl s2 and 2.8 in that season in not even remotely close to 2.8 now.
there are some multi glads ye but alot of them seem carried.

also there are very few players q’in 2s. i pushed my alt dk to 2.4 yesterday and we met the same teams multiple times. one team even back to back. low participation = low inflation = more high xp players on lower ratings.
like i am rank 6 of uhdk’s rn in 2s. that shows how few people play the bracket.

2.4mmr is not learning mmr.
i think the effort needed for 2.4 is fine. it shouldnt be free.

Ever since shuffle 2/3s have made no sense, its not worth playing arena anymore. Cant take large part of playerbase away from somewhere on participation based system and put them play in somewhere else and assume other modes would be the same. Only if they made rewards % based again it wouldnt matter if its 2000 players dead bracket for example, same it would make shuffle rewards less free which would be great I think.

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