Why delete it though? its not doing any harm just being there. No need to remove something just because you dont use it. I have plenty of stuff in my void storage, i dont need it, but i like having it.
With shoulders as I said it was very easy, only slightly more harder than just flipping a switch. Apart from the lack of UI option to do it, nothing prevented shoulders to have appearances from seperate items.
With gloves, bracers and boots, all of them made before Legion are mirrored. In Legion they introduced collections to make more custom shaped armor bits but they are just pieces attached to the character model. So while it allows for asymetrical look, it’s only for those 3d pieces. You can see in between those pieces in various gaps underlaying texture and that texture is mirrored. You can check it yourself in the game. Pretty much most of those gloves and boots would look like crap without that underlaying texture.
And that is much bigger obstacle than lack of an UI option they had in case of shoulders.
I’d like tier weapons to go along with the tier sets. Diablo gets this. Why can’t WoW? Make the whole outfit match.
Agreed, same for Heritage armor, so many of them have no good weapon matches.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes
Tmog is the true endgame, not the gear. It stays after a season finishes, when gear is outdated, and it’s the majority reason why people raid.
So these tmog suggestions should be a main focus, as the “next thing the do, to make the player base happy”.
Even if that is the case, thats no reason they couldn’t change it, if they wanted to, its just a matter of willingness to put in the work.
As I said, I also use it for storing future warband items right now, but what do you have in mind to improve it? With the mogs being in a dedicated tabs, it’s usable for really few items. I can’t see anything to be done other than removing it, at least improve it to take all equipment items (its for some reason blocking Unique items).
On top of that Void Elf are loosing one passive over this feature, humans received a rework of Diplomacy, Void Elf should also see this racial being changed no?
How about just leaving it as it is? Like i said, its not hurting anyone, just being there.
Obviously the void elf racial would need to be looked at, if changes were made to transmog costs or void storage. Isn’t it better to rework one racial, than to hold back on a feature that would benefit the 20+ other races in the game?
I completely agree that the slot and not the object should be transmogrified, exactly like in DiabloIV among other things. And I add that just like in DiabloIV, an option to homogenize the color of the armor, the weapon and also the mount would be interesting.
Regarding the gold used, I think they should be lowered a bit. I also agree on the fact that the limitations of the weapons to be transmogrified should in some cases be removed, for example I would like to be able to transmogrify a staff with a caster sword or dagger.
I would really like the warlock’s demons to be able to be modified not by the barber, which makes no sense, but in the warlock’s den or by demon trainers,
P.S. I’m one of those who transmogrify even during leveling XD
I would argue that they should just merge the tranmogrifier, baber, demon customizer and dragon rostum into one npc that does it all. Wouldn’t it be nice to just summon your grand yak and have access to all of it, instead of going to 4 different places?
That’s why I was thinking about writing a thread about the possibility of introducing free Transmog. But you developed it perfectly!
Trader’s Tender has been introduced, which systematically increases the options for changing our appearance, and with the new addition and the Warband system, there will be many more options! This would definitely be great for people who like to change their clothes often. However, I also fully agree with everything else you wrote.
Great ideas all round.
How about a dynamic civilian tmog?
Whenever you step into a major hub/capitol, you swap to your chosen “casual” tmog, where you can use your suits, tux, pretty dresses, hide your weapons, and whatever else feels relevant to this. As soon as you fly out, you’re back to your armour and “regular” tmog.
Think a bit how BG3 has the casual clothes for every character when we rest at camp. Again it can be fully optional and activated by a toggle for those who want it.
Could be used as simply as hide your helmet only when in town for example.
That’s a really good idea and could work the same way as the crafters gear. You can choose to hide it or not.
By the way, on this one. I hope one day they loosen the gear type restriction. Would be nice to be able to mix leather and plate or mail together.
I assume you use the equipment manager for switching loadouts? The transmogs could be assigned to the slot, but still be determined by your chosen loadout.
Delete the void storage and give us TWO (2) free additional bank tabs. Problem solved forever!
Loosen weapon restrictions
For this one I would hope that for example mages could be able to use a sword AND a staff, just like Warcraft 3’s Archmage.
Now, what I’d like to add:
- An option to choose the 3D model of generic boots (the ones without additional 3D pieces) among the other ones we have now. I really like the new non-skinny-ankle boot models (think Plunderstorm boots or Gilneas reclamation boots) and I’d really like to use those 3D models with older textures (it’s fiiiiine, textures can streeetch). You’d be able to turn some of those ugly socks into something much, much more palatable.
the tabard becomes a shirt when wearing a robe.
Mandatory “finally add quivers for hunters” reply.
Looking good is always a priority.
This! You level faster if you look good
Most of these are great ideas. But the remove gold cost just feels like it’s pointless. Its generally a negligible amount anyway so who cares. But screw capitalism right
I agree with all.
And I think it’s time to remove all mog limits. There are enough outfits which break barriers.
Just remove the limits all together