Who doesn’t love a good transmog? Transmogs are great, but the transmog system could use a few upgrades. Lets fix it.
Transmog the slot, not the item.
Nobody transmogs while leveling because we replace our gear every 5 minutes. If the transmog is applied to the slot instead of the item, it will override the visual of the new gear replacing the old.
Individual gloves, boots and bracers
You did it with shoulders, surely you can do it with gloves, boots and bracers too. If people want to wear two different shoes, or channel their inner Michael Jackson with a single white glove, why not let them?
Fix Helmets
Ears clipping through, and hair shaved off to fit helmet? Get it fixed.
Face transmog
For glasses, monocles, masks and clown noses. Why cant i wear Noble’s monocle and Lord Walden’s tophat together? A purely cosmetic slot for facewear would be much appreciated, why do we have to pick between hats and glasses, when we could have both?
Robes and cloaks
Can we get some real full body robes? The new “over the shoulder” cloaks you added to the trading post look ridiculous, Lets get some real full body robes for the Mages and Warlocks (and anyone else who wants them) Maybe some cloak physics aswell, instead of the stiff boards we have on our backs now.
Loosen weapon restrictions
This one is a bit of a personal request, but as a Fury Warrior i really wish i could transmog 1-hand swords on my 2-hand weapons, especially since most 1-handers these days are almost as big as the 2-handers. So many great weapon mogs i can’t use. Maybe some of you feel the same way about a certain weapon type on your class?
Remove gold cost
Can we just remove the gold cost of transmogs? Why does it even cost gold? We earned our cosmetics, let us use them to our hearts content, without breaking the bank
Trial of style
Trial of style is super fun for those of us who love transmogs. Sadly it only comes arround a couple of times per year. Make it a monthly event, like Darkmoon faire, and add a bunch of new themes.
What else do we need? please share your idea’s below!
I kinda like it/ don’t mind ears/Horns clipping though, I just head cannon there are ear/horn holes in the helmets.
Yes to all of these.
Why even make it an event, just leave it on all the time, it’s something fun to do for the people that like doing it and it hurts no one.
This a niche and I really have no ideas how to apply this, but we have a few weapons that can talk Xal’atoh, Xal’atath, Tal’kiel and Aluneth, I really like the random voice line from these weapons but I really hate how most of them look. For example on my spriest I made a dark transmog and the void version of the Holy artefact weapon fits perfectly while no version of Xal’atath really is that dark and also the knife and off-hand are way to big and clip though my legs. I would like for a way to apply weapon effects like voice lines or the Astral arrows from Thori’dal to other weapon transmogs.
Oh also weapon re-sizing. Some of the weapons are too big for my tiny female void elfs.
PS Only savages don’t transmog while leveling. Looking good is always a priority.
I noticed that in Remix transmog is free! I use it all the time.
I would love if they did actual gear that is not painted on the model. In the last years some progress was made, but still not enough! Layered clothes would be nice too.
Not technically ‘transmog’, but I would also love to see a system where we can change our basic stance and such. The default non-combat stance is so rigid and fake.
Also: Neck transmog. Why is that bandana I’m wearing a headslot?
There is actually 1 helmet (to my knowledge) that actually does have ear holes. The sprite darter helm does account for horns and ears.
Oh I said it in another thread but I will repeat it here. I would gladly sacrifice a raid tier or an entire season for Blizzard to recode all the hat to not cut off you hair. Hell I will travel back in time and suffer SL again if that would help Xd.
Remove class/armor restrictions
If I can wear it was a class, it should be a transmog option.
Point in case, as a warrior, I can literally wear any piece of armor in the game, yet all my transmog options are locked to Plate only.
Remove these restrictions, give me access to literally every piece that’s unlocked in my transmog library.
Taking it a further, remove restrictions all together.
It’s a dress-up, it doesn’t affect playability whatsoever, and people just want to look differently with their own style.
I believe the vulpera heritage hoods also do; which makes sense of course. I don’t know about other races with horns and/or long ears and their heritage armor, but you’d hope that it would be a thing.
Well that’s what they want. They want you to keep on going to transmogrifier and spend money. Also It offers you a chance to actually see how new piece of gear you got actually looks like.
Can’t be done without significantly changing how character textures work and increasinig memory usage. Right now only half of the character’s body is textured while the other side has a mirrored texture. That cut the memory required to load those textures in half but it means whatever texture is on right leg and arm has to be also on left leg and arm. And all of the boots, gloves and bracers rely on texture painted on the character’s body texture. Even the ones with brand new custom 3d geosets still rely on some texture painted underneath. Shoulders were always 100% 2 seperate 3d models attached to the player so it was relatively easy to take right model from one item appearance and left model from other.
Ears clipping through is not a bug, it’s a feature. Hair being shaved off, it’s not actually shaved off, it’s trimmed. When you put on helmet that’s meant to hide hair the hair style changes to super short hair. It is done because other hair styles will clip with majorty of helmets. There is no good easy fix for the game like WoW right now for this.
Aye, this should be done. The only problem I can see how to decide what to do with all the current eyewear helmet items. Do you move them to the new category or duplicate them in order to not break whatever is there right now.
I don’t fully understand what do you mean by full body robes that is different from current robes. But whatever it is should be possible with collections geoset system. As for cloak physics, technicly could be done but currently the only physics for armor game supports is dangling things without any collision dectection so it might make the cloak look weird.
I’m kind of indifirent towards that.
To slowly bit by bit chip away some money from the economy.
I think if it were to be more common then participation would drop off eventually.
Let the player choose where to holster their weapons and with this I ofc mean that you can choose that you want your DW 1H Weapons on the back rather than Belt/Hips.
Your Rifle holstered in the belt for some reason. ( Silly, but come on )
Carry your shield in one hand while the weapon is sheathed ( A bit like Skyrim )
Or have two 2H tilted/faced the same way across the back instead of having them crossed (like the Witcher.)
Maybe even add some way to adjust the placement so that HUMAN FEMALE’s actually have the shield attached to their back and not hovering a few inch’s off their body, Same with Female Night Elf and their Shoulder gear, they are not attached to the body at all.
Because we are too stupid to go check out the new mogs in the collection tab?
They already did it with shoulders though.
Transmogs are not mirrored from one half to the other, there are plenty of asymetrical transmog items.
Because the economy is doing so great as it is, right? If they want to chip away at the gold, maybe they should add more cosmetics and mounts we can buy for gold, instead of selling all the renown cosmetics for rescources, bones, sticks and rocks.
Hmm I agree with the others suggestions, but this one not really. I like to have the option to store different transmogs on gears, like this I have a given mog for pvp and another one for pve.
Next: Void Storage needs to be deleted, I don’t see the usage other than storing few items in preparation for warband right now…