Let's have a faction merge in 10.0!

They should be able to - in a phased version of Stormwind revamped according to the desired Azeroth revamp in 10.0. Then if you don’t like orcs in your city - simply talk to Zidormi.

Sounds wayy too complicated.

I’ve seen this video and it was very well put together.
Even tho I hardly believe this will ever become a reality cus Horde / Alliance is the main core of the Warcraft Universe.

So… it is 2022 and we still have this archaic faction system from 2004. Common Blizzard…

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I am sure horde players would love to group with me. Seiyoku, The Horde Slayer.

Let’s merge factions.

Sending gold to alts across factions is still not possible.

According to Blizzard, my Tauren Shaman named Alliancetaur is unfriendly to any of my Alliance chars…

it will never happen op after all you know Horde Vs Alliance is the Core of the game :stuck_out_tongue:

But being in a faction should not isolate just the players while the NPCs of the factions can actually work together and communicate

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Which Horde versus which Alliance?

The fel-infused Horde versus the old Alliance of Lordaeron sure, but that is a event that only is mentioned in the game as a telling of the past. We’re well ahead of that. The Orcs we play in the game aren’t Legion puppets, although some like to RP as such.

Thrall’s Horde versus King Varian Wrynn’s half-bigot Alliance? Varian’s soul/body was split in half and abducted by evil powers with Onyxia being a substituting regent, but we got Varian back whole again and Onyxia slain. Thrall didn’t lasted much longer as a warchief either before he resigned.

Garrosh’s Horde versus Varian’s Alliance? A warmongering Horde versus a distrusting Alliance, surely this is the “core” you want to have permanently in the game as a foundation for faction snoozefest. King Varian was at this stage also confronted by both his son Anduin and Jaina Proudmoore about every aggressive move, making him more peace-oriented that you like to imagine him. Also, Garrosh Hellscream was dethroned during MoP for obvious reasons. Even the modern Horde doesn’t want a warmonger on the top.

Vol’jin Darkspear’s distrusting Horde versus Varian Wrynn’s distrusting Alliance? At this point the distrust could have ended if the writers wanted it. Instead Vol’Jin became victim of Blizzards insulting writing and we got Sylvanas Snoozerunner instead. Her Horde versus Varian’s Alliance lasted for a day or so until we got the invasion of the Broken Shore.

Jailer Puppet’s “Horde” versus Anduin Wrynn: We’re back to Horde involuntarily getting another warmongering puppet of evil forces. Together with Anduin’s peace-oriented Alliance and the peace-oriented racial leaders of the Horde we got more tied together than any time before, and Sylvanas very public resignation.

The Horce Council’s Horde versus Anduin Wrynn’s Alliance? There’s not even a versus here, and the obvious direction it is heading is a slow and steady unification of the factions. The Horde and alliance leaders stuck together through the Maw intro, and Anduin even healed Baine. Now let the players do the same in PvE!

Right now we have had Bolvar Fordragon, Thrall, Baine Bloodhoof, Jaina Proudmoore, Calia Menethil, and Taelia Fordragon together in Oribos, which makes half the Horde Council and on Alliance side a very good representation of Anduin in his absency. With 9.2 we have Sylvanas back on the “good side” whatever that means, and this time we also get Anduin back from the Jailer’s claws.

The writing nowadays isn’t that impressive, but running another faction clownfiesta with 10.0 for easy cashgrab after what we have seen so far will only prove that undermining the lore for profit is more important for Bli$$ard than giving us good stories.

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dunno you would have to ask ion to clarify which horde vs alliance they meant :smiley: i’m personally of the opinion that they are incapable of writing a good faction war due to the 2 faction model since no one can win nor do the writers have the talent to write a war story within those story confine as they prove time and again

then again they have a loremaster who don’t know his job the book he authored was a train wreck of miss information and its not even released yet :stuck_out_tongue:

No good faction wars can be written because that would be a violation of established lore. It is this easy really.

what’s this lore you talk about - Sean Copeland, Blizzard Historian
don’t you know that the lore exist to enhance the story not tie the hands of the creators :stuck_out_tongue:

Every single iteration of them. Banding together with people you share common grounds/common history/common interests with, in order to secure yourself a place in the world against other people who could represent a threat to that place you’re trying to keep - that’s the game. To me at least, and I’m certain to many other players as well. Temporary alliances struck to defeat a greater foe never changed anything to that core principle.

Factions are not heading towards unification, not more than they were during the previous eras of peace, and that’s obviously a good thing

i really wish it happen

since some players leave the game the hord and ally must merge to maintaine the balance players

and actually the hord masters and ally is friend mate and we are fighting for nothing :man_facepalming:

PLEASE @Blizzard Hear us and make it happen :heart:

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I switched from Horde to Alliance after all the negativity I read on the forums about faction imbalance. My RL buddy joined me (only 1 of them still plays wow). Alliance is great, very friendly atmosphere and patient players overall. Having ‘cross faction’ will expose these friendly people to the toxic ‘runwww’ horde players. I’m fine with this, but there should be a possibility to opt-in/-out of this.

Hmm… still nothing about anything going in this direction with 9.2.

Edit: perhaps I should have refreshed the forum before crafting this post.

I can finally play with my horde friends!


Now I am looking forward to the yet un-announced world cross faction. I’m already dreaming about a brand new cross faction toggle working like PvP/Warmode.

Toggling on would maintain friendliness towards same-faction players with PvP off, as well as make opposite faction players with cross faction on friendly. And perhaps even be phased to own cross-faction shard for visiting opposite faction bases as a non-hostile player.

Naturally toggling on cross faction would make same-faction players with WM/PvP enabled appear as orange as opposite faction players with WM/PvP off. This fits the colour pattern of how players appears:

A red player is an enemy player with WM/PvP enabled and is attackable because we also have WM/PvP enabled.

A yellow player is an enemy player with WM/PvP enabled and is only attackable if we enable WM/PvP ourself.

An orange player is an unfriendly player that can not be attacked by any means of toggling on our side. However, their allegiance clearly differs from ours, despite not going for becoming an enemy player. So this fits both the relation between opposite faction WM/PvP off players, as well as the relation between same faction WM/PvP on players and cross faction players.

Blue players are friendly players.

Green players are faction loyalists with PvP/WM on and would appear orange for anyone with cross faction enabled.

Welp, that post hasn’t aged well… :innocent:


I’m daydreaming about a Zeppelin line between Orgrimmar and Ironforge Airfield.