If you have photo privledges would be nice to see them!
Mine is water as I’ve recently in the past 2 months went cold turkey on coca cola and I’m seeing drastic changes
If you have photo privledges would be nice to see them!
Mine is water as I’ve recently in the past 2 months went cold turkey on coca cola and I’m seeing drastic changes
Water is the superior drink:
It is cheap, healthy and it tastes great.
Please dont listen to terry
Latte usually. Right now though it’s herbal tea. Used to drink diet coke like it was water until I got coelic disease - the caramel colouring sets me off. It was a weird transition to just the occasional fanta instead but definitely a healthier one!
I’m fond of cherry beer…
…berry cider…
…and some Hohes C, for the sake of posting something that’s remotely healthy.
For health and general thirst during the day it’s water for me.
When I drink for flavor I buy iced lattes.
beer of course
I don’t drink alchohol.
I hate the taste and hate being drunk.
So water and gatorade, coffee and soda for me usually.
energy drinks, multivitamin ,fruit juice, water , carbonated water, beer, rhum and some red wine.
Negroni of course.
Or Milan Turin, which is the same thing but without gin.
Now that I think of it it’s just a matter of a good Vermouth. Be it white or red, it’s my favourite.
And there are better ones than Martini! Although Martini’s good already.
Eggnog, how my grandmama used to make and 21 Year Old Auchentoshan whisky are my number ones
Non-alcholic? The humble red grape juice
Honestly prefer water. But if I have to choose, hot chocolate for a hot drink and a strawberry/banana juice for not so hot ones. I’m not into alcohol.
Non-alcoholic drinks: water, sparkling water, Turkish coffee, tea.
Alcholic drinks: beer, rakia, tequila sunrise, and submarines if I need get wasted fast.
P.S. Submarines is small cup of rakia in beer. I am dwarf in RL, too…
I no longer drink Alcohol so these days a nice decent quality fruit tea (berries with some ginger or cinnamon - varies throughout the year)
Water, apple juice if I’m feeling fancy.
Non alcoholic- coffee, Pepsi, Lucozade.
Alcoholic- English real ales, Stella Artois lager
I mainly drink tap water but I do treat myself to a couple of hazelnut mochas a day…which are yummy!
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