Let's just forget shadowland ever happened

Can we all just, ignore this expansion and say it was all just a dream from the whole Fighting N’zoth?

The story is just, bad. Not even any redeeming parts of it.
It makes a ton of plot issues, and negates any real stakes the world had. Since now any dead character or evil character is just a teleport a split soul and a angry tweet away from being redeemed.

And then SPOILERS!
End of the jailer is just… him getting killed off. like we are supposed to care about this guy? Nipple thanos died for the writers sins.

Let’s just, pretend this was all just a early april fools joke.


Fel induced acid trip at the end of legion or a nap in the shrine of storms, as a side effect of the flesh crown thing.

Considering which plot lines would still be open at that point… I’d rather not. I don’t want another go at a Spost 4th War ylvanas arc. Ever. No matter how this one ends.

Yes let’s do that

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