Let's just move on from Sylvanas please, it's getting boring

Let’s move on from trying to punish Sylvanas for being a good Warchief and go after the traitors in horde instead.


Because it literally is. You can be mad all you want but it is the truth. You are wrong according to my view of things and as I explained in a broader view there’s no right and wrong. What is hard to understand here??

You’re wasting your time with him. Just saying, he’s a clown posting “Nerf X spec” in the associated class forum.


But with garosh you can’t be held in prison with nostalgia …and saying things like best STORY EVER BEST EXPANSION etc

Unfortunately, Stonetalon Garrosh was Alex Afrasiabi going massively ‘off-message’ which he later admitted. Garrosh was always supposed to be a douche, without many/any redeeming features.

Bizarrely (Well, not bizarrely) Garrosh was actually older than Thrall by quite a significant degree.

Fun Fact, Jaina is actually guilty of half of the War Crimes that Garrosh was accused of. (This said, Christie Golden did say she looked up ‘Real’ Warcrimes to establish that list…Did she though? I don’t think she did.)

The troops involved were Penal Troopers released from the Stormwind Stockades.

Whilst General Hawthorne himself may have been an honourable man, (And everything suggests that he was) you still don’t get to use Penal Troopers and claim any moral High Ground. You lose it the instant you set them loose. With predictable results…

War Crimes. But hey, Torturing and murdering Civilians is OK if you wear a blue tabard with a gold lion on it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we all know who it was…

Weird how people always forget the “World of” bit when they describe that. Besides, what is wrong with a horrific Cold War Scenario where both Factions fight Wars by Proxy? I mean that went on for about Forty years in our real world!, and they were certainly not peaceful times. I grew up in them!

We know there are going to put Wars by Proxy in there, because otherwise how would they keep the jumping monkeys happy?

I don’t. Wait, not a standard Pizza, I love a pizza that has a BBQ sauce base, no Cheese (You can’t trust cheese, it will push you over a cliff if it had the chance) and all the toppings being Peperami, Beef, Chicken, any meat basically. Call it a Meat Tart. I don’t care, that on a Pizza base, Perfection!

But Sylvanas -is- a traitor to the Horde? I mean she directly says so! Also, she was an awful Warchief. Thank goodness she is gone!


Im fully aware that Stonetalon is not canon and that it shouldnt have made it into the game due to a F up at Blizzard that casued the version of now to make it into the game because he didnt get the memo in time that they wanted to go with the bad garrosh route rather than the good one.

Well dont have to be older to work as a father figure. Especially to someone who didnt have that much of a father to begin with. And Thrall had way more leadership and battle experience than Garrosh did by the time they met (including dealing with the Burning Legion once at that point).

Saurfang however managed to at least teach Garrosh something, unlike Thrall. At least if we look at stonetalon where he qoutes Saurfang from Northrend right before “dismissing” the Overlord of the Horde forces.

Well… It can be a vegan pizza, im pretty sure something like that is invented so far :rofl:

THE BEST, not just good.

Your truth, my truth is what stated above and that is never going to change.

Your EGO got hurt bad in BFA and you cry about GENOCIDES in the forums, now that YOUR arthas is being brought back in the sunlight im pretty sure you guys who cry about GENOCIDE will request a redemption story :rofl:

Dont hide your shattered EGO behind excuses, we all know Sylvanas hurts you badly. Thats why she is the best warchief of all after mighty Garrosh :stuck_out_tongue:

It states WAR and the game is literally built on human vs orc wars, i dont know why forum warriors want peace but suit yourself guys. I want alliance blood :slight_smile:

What plan, in Shadowlands she’s barely appeared at all other than making 5 minutes of cinematic appearances & looking conflicted. If anything, we need more Sylvanas content to answer the questions about her sudden internal conflict and her liberation delusions. In the raid, Sylvanas is hostile with us so I don’t see where these questions will be answered if we get rid of her now - to go this far and leave her story unfinished would be just as bad.

On the contrary, I dont care about the lore in that way, as I stated in my above posts to you.
But do tell me when you actually would like to have a conversation on the topic rather than making hilariously bad attempts at triggering people. Grow up and once you have, and would like to continue, do tell me!

How come, you don’t want to be hearing about Sylvanas for the third addon in a row? Don’t you want to know that she is actually good? Oh, sorry, “morally grey”? Or whatever the current term is. How ungrateful from your side.

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Nope you dont care about lore.

No no, doesnt care about lore.
Yet your posts say quite the opposite.

I mean… I know you are trying to hide your shattered EGO but do not forget ive been talking with triggered alliance zealots like you since BFA S1, i studied you guys well.

So when you get an answer you tag it as an attempt to trigger people just to demonize the reply that puts you back in reality?
How about you stop triggering people calling what sylvanas did is wrong on the first place?
You said before, everyone has his own point of view doesnt that get back to you or you are too special to fit in your own rule?

From what i see above, you need to grow up and remember what you already wrote before make yourself look funny :upside_down_face:

Sounds like a Edgy teenager

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I can’t wait to get rid of her, and it would be nice if Thrall, Baine, Anduin and Jaina disappeared along with her. It’s high time for some new and interesting chars, whose story would actually make sense.

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WoW development focus the last 5+ some years: esports, Sylvanas, esports, Sylvanas, esports, Sylvanas, esports, Sylvanas, esports, Sylvanas.

Agreed with the poster above that Jaina etc need to go too. The main roster of characters has gotten way stale.

They keep recycling them in and out and keep bringing back in old plot formats. Like get creative, stop copy pasting the formula from a past expansion into the new one. There’s enough recycling going on.

Because the new writers are failed writers and creatively bankrupt. Hiring a literal stripper with a political fetish wont do good to the lore.


In my opinion, he is a well-made char. Many see him as an average brute orc, but he was far from that. He was mysterious in a way because you never know what that crazy orc can think, what he can do, and he was definitely not stupid. It’s debatable now how smart he was, but he was definitely not stupid and he wasn’t someone you could f with. He was the char of the action, the “I’ll do it” type. The fact that they later decided to make him a plain villain is something else.

Vol’jin was also a great char. Mysterious, smart, wise. A char who was there all the time, during all the events. I always had the feeling that he knew a lot more things than others. Too bad his story ended too soon. In my opinion, the most interesting char in the WoW universe.

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