Let's make it an interview #3

Thought one.
On the one hand a sobor dwarf woud be having a hard time dealing with there body being faster, more reponsive and lacking in liquid courage.
Causing it to miss all the time.
On the other Ethical is a bit more difficult.
Ethical doesnt mean unwilling to kill.
It just means not doing it for stupid reasons.
In the end i would say the undead would win if the dwarf attack first as the forsaken while restraint by its desire to not break its moral code would be fighting for its life where the dwarves would be fighting against its body.
Unless the dwarf never drank and is well aware of its body then the dwarf wins as it woundnt have any morality problems of mercy killing an undead.
It really depends on who has the most drawbacks.

Question: You find out that the alliance s7 has been secretly kidnapping horde childeren with the goal of conditioning the into believe in the alliance ideals.
So far they simple educated them as the would educate an alliance child.
You did however also find some report’s about asking to permission to exicute a few trouble makers.
So far the requist has been denied by shawn.
How would you react?

Question: Alliance SI:7 has been secretly kidnapping Horde children and trying to condition them with Alliance ideals. So far they only raise and educate them as Alliance children, but they’ve been asking to execute troublemakers, which Shaw refuses. How do you react?

"I realize I am a relative newcomer to this world, with just over a decade spent living on and fighting for the future of Azeroth, but I am pretty sure the kidnapping of children - and especially their execution - is not in keeping with Alliance ideals. I question how people who don’t seem to realize this are meant to raise anyone to respect them.

“With that said, we can hardly return the children now. They will likely be murdered by the Horde for being ‘tainted’ by our beliefs. We must of course rescue them from those who would see them come to harm, they are children, regardless of their species, but what comes next is more complicated. They could hardly live a normal life in the Alliance. They would likely face bullying and discrimination throughout their lives. Perhaps a community could be founded for them to live in peace.”

He pauses, considering the matter. “I am also curious about the results of this experiment. I would very much like to know which ones were most amenable and which ones most troublesome. As awful as the act is, the data it provides can give us great insight into the psychology of the Horde races, and help us learn which ones may be redeemable.”

Question: What is your fondest dream and why does it appeal to you?

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I’n I were skinning o’ Gnome an’ wi’ every skin gold fell out o’ 'er. It never ended, were amazing really.

Den I’n I woke up an’ it were da strangest ting. I’n I were da Gnome!

Den I’n I woke up fa real ta find one o’ I’n I sisters staring at I’n I sayin’ ‘da boss want us’.

I’n I realised I’n I be o’ gold piñata.

I’n I like ‘cause o’ da skinning, skinning always be fun.

Question: do you enjoy your job and why? Would you rather be doing anything else?

“My job? Yeah I enjoy it. There is no better feeling than witnessing a dying demon under your glaive. The satisfaction that comes out of it. With every demon slain you know, that world you live in is a better place.
As for the second part. Actually I must admit, that I would rather live in a peaceful world without wars and bloodshet. I would rather have family, wife, children. But that’s possible only in my dreams. The fact is, that my family was taken from me by our enemy and my fate is not to live a peaceful life. My fate is to live and die by my glaive.”

Question: What would you like to achieve in your life before you die?

Uhm… true immortality?

That is a valid answer, right?

Question: If Shalim and Mithcha got into a fight, who do you think would win and why? Describe how the fight would play out!


I am going to assume you mean a fight to the death and not a arguement on who is cleaning the toilet.

Shalim gets the drop of Malificia and quickly kills her with repeated quick strikes.
In his arrogance as a demon hunter he doesnt think to search for mahlifica soulstone.
With his back turned to her he doesnt see her get up.
As she gets back up and summons her succubuss.
Her succubuss charm Shalim as she heals herself by draining his life.
Every time Shalims manage’s to break free of Mahlificia control she either fears or charms him again.
Taking her time to slowly drain him to death.

If you found sylvanas diary and in it you read how she is obsessed with marrying andiun and forcing him to love her.
You find evidence she started this war purly to force him into marrying her.
What would you do?

Question: You find Sylvanas’ diary and it turns out she is romantically obsessed with Anduin Wrynn, and somehow decided that starting this war would make him marry her.

"…Probably start by making sure this isn’t a Void-fueled hallucination. Double-check by going to anyone I know and asking if they’re seeing the same thing. Exhaustively verify that this is legit. Ultimately decide that Sylvanas planted this knowing someone would steal it, because just… no. That sounds like something the voices would say in an especially absurd rant.

“I guess if this turned out to be absolutely real and her genuine motivations for the past three years… Laugh. Cry. Maybe both at once. At that point I’m playing it by ear.”

Question: If you could live on any other world, which one would you pick and why?

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It is and always will be the homeworld of the Eredar
It is broken, it is tortured, its World Soul is gone… and needs a lot of work to rebuild what remained of it… but it is and alway will be our home

Question: To be honest, this is a very good question and I’m curious, so If you could live on any other world, which one would you pick and why?

"Another world? Don’t be ridiculous. Azeroth is Home and no calamity, invasion or war is about to change that for me. Look at those Draenei. They live for how long? Thousands of years, yeah? Still Azeroth, maybe even Draenor might not truly feel like home to 'em. Imagine that, except with my tiny little human lifespan. Yeah, I’ll pass. "

Question: Has any event ever shaken the very core of your belief system? How, if at all, did you cope with that?

Yeah it is called the scourge and it made me go full 180.
If the light cant be bothered to protect my loved once’s i am going to enslave the darkness and make it work for me.
So i coped with it by letting go of my morals and going full hardcore evil.
And i never felt so free.

Question: If you where made warchief of the horde.
What would you do?

“I would unite the races and do everything in my power to end the war and assure peace. Then I would focus my effort to negotiate with the Alliance and together we shall think of a plan how to save Azeroth from all dangers. Just like we saved her from Sargeras himself.”

Question: Would you die for another person? Who would it be and why?

Certainly not ,no one is worth that i lose my short precious mortal life for.

After fairy land and zombie squat which place is nexts Aliance and horde to be erased and how ?

"Sure, it sounds noble to give your life so another might live. I’d put myself in harm’s way for another, yeah. Would I die for the other? Nah, not if I can help it. I’ll try my bloody hardest to make sure the both of us make it out alive. My life is too damn precious to me to simply cast away. Not even for friends and family. I expect them to do the same for me.

Ah, maybe if I’m mortally wounded anyway and they’ve got a shot of getting out alive if I slow one enemy or another down. I don’t know honestly. We’ll see if I ever find myself in that situation I suppose."

Question: Who or what are you loyal to? Why? Are there limits to your loyalty?

Leaning close, she speaks in a low voice heavy with sadness, indignation and purpose:

"I am not blindly loyal to anyone nor any one thing but I love my homeland and the dream of what it could be sustains me in my darkest hours. It is a love that does not mean unconditional deference and defence of all that is done in its name but rather one that urges me to act and see it made a better place. It is an urge to nurture and build, to safeguard and preserve what is good in the world and to honour those that we lost, standing unbroken in defiance of our cruel fate.

I no longer believe that the guiding hand of our scarred land has its best interest in mind, instead being shackled by fear, hesitation and inaction, subject to the whims of others. As they seem unable to bear the necessary burdens and make the difficult choices, I can no longer give them my fealty.

The leadership is not the nation, nor its people, but there is no nation without a people and the nation is not ruled by the consent of its people. As its people are not ruled by consent, the nation is subject to its leader who is in turn unfit. As such, I love my homeland but cannot be loyal to it as long as its leadership, of whom it is an extension, is in the wrong.

I would see my homeland prosper, even if its leadership would rather not uphold the promise of a new dawn, undeserving of trust and faith. The responsibility for prosperity thus relinquished to the hands of the able and willing, I hold it close to my heart in this raging storm. Does this make me the one turning my back on the High Home, abandoning it in its time of need? I do not believe so."

The sheer weight of the words and their meaning has her tone wavering, her voice cracking at the verge of tears and the exertion of articulating this difficult reality leaves her pale and shaking. She takes a sip from the nearby glass of water.

“O, promised day, delayed, chased by hunter’s moon. Crest of gold to catch its rays defaced, a bitter sheen and costly boon, come, coldest ray, come what may.”


What would be your ideal political system to handle how your home and faction deals with the world?

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Talraea stares, visibly stunned. She blinks and snaps her fingers by her ears, as if making sure she’s not dreaming. Then, “I have never heard you talk that much, ever. Put together. Well, at least now I’ve won a bet - a friend of mine was sure you’d been cursed by a witch to always speak in poetry. We should probably chat sometime about that coldest ray, but for now…”

Question: What would be your ideal political system to handle how your home and faction deals with the world?

"I am getting really sick of single, absolute rulers. Whether it’s by chosen succession, or birth, or whatever, it’s becoming painfully obvious that one bad boss can do a lot of damage. Just one bad warchief is doing a lot of damage to the whole world right now. The traitor prince, Kael’thas, said once that there would never be a king of Quel’thalas again. He was still in charge, but I don’t know if he had any plans past that because he obviously got sidetracked, and this whole regency thing is unsustainable.

"Umbric right now leads by unofficial consent. Honestly, it’s all unofficial in Telogrus. He started the group that became the Ren’dorei, and he’s in charge by momentum as much as just being really good at what we do. The Alliance is nominally a group of equal rulers, but the ‘high king’ calls a lot of shots and nobody really questions that.

"So how would I want things to be done? Honestly, after seeing various clans and tribes, far too many monarchies, several hard and soft theocracies, a few oligarchies, the odd anarchist group that lasts more than a week, one gang of Hozen that called themselves a ‘malarkey,’ and a bunch of other small- and large-scale systems across Azeroth, I think what I like best is the Gnome way.

"They call it ‘democracy.’ They come together, every citizen, and cast votes for who should lead their people. It’s a pretty intricate system, like you’d expect from Gnomes, and it probably needs adjusting for races more prone to abuse and seeking power, but at the core of it is the ideal of leaders who govern only by consent of the people. Keeps them accountable and helps ward off tyrants.

“It has its flaws. There’s a lot of arguing involved in even simple decisions, and apparently they have political parties that… need a lot more explaining than I can really give right now, but I think it’s a good idea overall. Maybe something the rest of us should start looking into.”

Question: What do you hope to accomplish in your life? If you had to name one aspiration, above all others, what would it be?

I want to save my people from the Naaru most above all! Rebuilding Argus and restore the honor of the Eredar is somewhat related to that.
One have to be a bit insane to belive these things are possible… luckly… hehehehe… I am

Question: The leaders of the Alliance decided for the political stability the kingdom of Stormwind needs a Queen and a heir… so Anduin needs a bride. YOU were chosen to decide, who will it be? (This question is not just for the members of the Alliance; like when the Legion attacked, the Orders shown they are fully capable to work together no matter the race, relegion or alignment. So if you are from the Horde, they tought you are fully capable to help them and this would help to end the conflict between the two factions… of course if you are willing to help them)
SO! Who will be the best girl - sorry Wrathion - for Anduin?

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“Honestly I believe that you would be the best wife for Anduin. It would help you to pursue your own goals, to save people from the light. While I think that neither light, void, fel or arcane are neccesarily bad, I also think that they are not that good. All of these forces are manipulative and it heavily depends on who wields them. You could teach Anduin the void magic. With void and light he could be more powerful than Sylvanas and he could end the war quickly with such powers.”
Shalim looks uncertain with his own words

“But I won’t be happy if that happens. You know, what insane girl would your puddin hunt?”

Shalim laughs

Question: What are you eager to sacrifice to save Azeroth?

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Question: What are you eager to sacrifice to save Azeroth?

“Maybe this isn’t obvious to the blind wonders among us, but most of us don’t really talk about our sacrifices, or prioritize some things to give up over others. ‘Eager’ is not a word I would use to describe it. Still, since you ask, I would happily sacrifice the entire Orc race. The whole Horde, really. Just throw them all at whatever is causing the problem, assuming it isn’t them causing the problem, as they are right now.”

Question: What is your most embarrassing moment?


While there was this dwarven girl that confest her love to me once’s.
Atleast i think it was a girl, You cant really tell with those fat little beehives.
So i set her on fire, burned her family and family home then sold there souls to the nearest demon lord i could find.
I probley overreacted a little bit.

Question: If you where to get the remains of the scourge or burning legion under your control.
How would you use it to conquer azaroth.
I am asking for a “friend” >.>

Duh, I’d hire them out as workers, bodyguards, cannon fodder, whatever! I don’ ever have ta pay’em so I got pretty much no overheads, an’ in a very short while, my wealth outweighs that Gallywix shmuck cos I own the monopoly on free, uncomplainin’ workers an’ fighters an’ stuff an’ then buy out all the world leaders an’ everyone becomes my subject!

And because I’m not a monster, I will open the ‘Braxxo the Brilliant Widows and Orphans’ fund. Ya know, give something back…

Here’s my question: If ya had ta choose one area of Azeroth ta live fer the rest o’ ya life, where would ya pick, an’ why?

I’m totally not asking ta find the ideal location fer a bunch o’ real estate purchase…