Let's talk about DH

Hi there,

To be truthful I really doubt if anyone in the game balancement team at Blizzard has ever played more than a few arenas or rounds using DH.

I can’t comprehend how someone with a sane mind would think that as it is the class is playable and offer equal chances to win / reach high ratings to it’s users compared to other classes.

Let’s break down everything that isn’t right with the class :

  • If you think about DH, the first thing that comes to mind is mobility right ? Ok then you’re wrong. The class has no kit to resist ANY root or stun or CC at all. This means that you are constantly running after you’re target, rooted and then you run again and then stunned, and then run again and rooted, etc…

  • You’re now gonna say “Yeah but the class has OP damage so it’s ok”. You are partially right, yes if you play the class well (meaning that you don’t **** up your rotation, keep debuffs up, keep demon form up, etc) you will do damage of course… But in reality that’s never hapening since your target will always run away and CC you and you don’t have any countermeasure for it. Meaning that you will never ever reach your target to do your damage.

  • You’re now gonna say “But against melees that means that you can win right ?” The answer should be yes but no since you forgot that the balance team has never played the game. This means that almost every other melee classes completely crushes you (DK, Monk, Paladin, Warrior). They have everything your class has (meaning basically damage) and even more !

  • This comes to the last thing wrong with with class : 0 survivability ! (yay) After you have casted blur you are as weak as a squirrel in Elwynn Forest ! :slight_smile: Your class literally has every disadvantage of being melee (no mobility because you can’t deny any roots, stuns or anything) without having the advantages meaning being at least somewhat tanky ! :smiley:

You will probably say that rogues are the same but no since they at least have mobility and have a huge CC kit + damages that will not be denied because they don’t have to sit while being rooted, stunned or whatever.

This class literally has nothing for it and it’s not hard to prove since there is literally no one playing it in SS, neither in regular arena.

Blizzard keep the great job, don’t forget to buff monk and mages again next patch

You havent been looking at statistics right?

Go into drustvar and press activity. 24 hour or 72 hour frame is w/e. I guess noones playing it?

Don’t talk about stats when you don’t know them :

Above 2k rating in Solo Shuffle, Havoc DH represents 7.01% of the melee classes when in comparison :

  • Retribution Paladin 661 / 15.29%
  • Windwalker Monk 567 / 13.12%
  • Unholy Death Knight 544 / 12.59%
  • Arms Warrior 466 / 10.78%

You can already see the over-representation of the giga buffed classes in high rating in SS.

And the reverse is also true since the class is trash and can’t give opportunity to their players to reach high ratings, it means that it’s percentage of representation in low ratings are much higher !

Reprensation under 1.9k Rating :

Havoc Demon Hunter : 2241 / 8.96%
Unholy Death Knight : 1924 / 7.69%
Windwalker Monk : 1889 / 7.55%

Using theses stats I proved that Demon Hunter is not played compared to other classes 7.01 + 8.96 = 15.97% compared to 20.67% for WW Monk, 20.28% for UH DK, 27.57% for Arms Warrior and 24.02% for Ret Paladin

But I also proved that statistically it’s also under-represented in high ratings because the class is trash and can’t climb the ladder as well as the melee classes / specs

You Stated Noone Plays It.

Imagine saying noone is playing it while then comparing it to the highest played ones. Zzz.

Also did not state “amount of players above certain ranking” just activity.
And then when I stated ppl are playing it, then randomly its ranking behind it.

Turn on your brain, I compared both high and low ratings

If the class is under-represented in both high and low ratings compared to other classes, that means that mathematically there are less people playing it AT LEAST in PVP.

You can’t deny reality.

And i’m not the only one complaining about it, just look at the forum and youtube and you’ll see that DH sucks and everyone that plays it just rerolls or quit the game.

another one of these expansions where every class is op, and every class is weak af.

No, as always an expansion where some classes including the newest one (Evoker) are OP as hell, and the rest are completely forgotten and can’t do anything.

You have mobility. If you cannot understand how mobility works thats fine, but you have mobility. Almost like saying warriors arent mobile either because you can root them in their charge.

You are not playing a 1v1 fight. If your teammates cannot help you… Then yea. I guess thats the same for basically every melee.

Blur being basically the only defensive isnt that great no, only thing we could “agree” on. But you have means to remove snares from you, magic effects from you and other parts. You also have a 20 yard stun and aoe stun.

Rogues have to sit in stuns? There are times they have to sit in roots?

And can I ask why you just didnt write on your main?

I do not ignore that there are specs that are being less looked at, but talking like the spec is trash and talking like its a 1v3 fight everytime is just wrong.

Stating wrong information is also wrong.
If you state “no one plays it” I will literally read it as you state it. There are people playing it, and if you want to be smart and clever and change it to something else thats entirely up to you.
You literally have higher representation in the higher brackets compared to other melees at the same time which also shows its, what you would call it, unplayable.

obviosuly because nowdays people wioll check.pvp and say if you are not 3.4 you are not entitled to an opinion on pvp

and if you are 3.4, then why are you complaining, your class is op :slight_smile:

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I have been writing against alot of other players even argued with high rated players which have “looked down on me”.
Do you know what I do?
I dont care which most people shouldnt and just move on. You have your ideas, but atleast make sure you say it correctly and dont exaggerate words just for “impact”.

Class has mobility of course, i said it in my message, but the mobility of the class is literally useless since when you approach your target you always get snared, rooted, frozen, stunned, or whatever and you don’t have anything to prevent it, no spell making you basically for a short time more resistant to anti mobility stuff.

Of course it’s not 1v1 but do I have to remind you that Solo Shuffle means that you literally have to count only on yourself ? And even beyond, let’s assume that you have every now and then a bad lobby (healer don’t dispell stuff, etc), stats shows that if you play DK, Warrior, Monk or Paladin you have higher chance of climbing the ratings even if you have bad luck.

Talking about rogues, yes they don’t have the same problems as DH, they have weaknesses for sure and they do need a buff, their stats are horrible as well, but they have advantages that DH don’t have and the DH do have the same disadvantages while not having advantages in their turn.

You say that my stats are wrong and that I lie, then prove it to me, here are my sources :

arenamaster website (I can’t post link)

Also I didn’t set up my char on forum because it’s my first time posting anything here

I honestly do not think those ratings are correct… Since if you press “rankings” you get ppl with 3500 rating etc? Feels like it accounts to characters that hasnt been logged on since end of S1… Since if you press Ladder stats and choose “3000-4000” you still see players in it. (Unless im doing something wrong?)

I would suggest you use sites like Drustvar or even the pvpleaderboard for atleast, I hope, more correct statistics x)

Vengeful Retreat makes you immune in the air with the PvP talent but also removes snares x)
Theres no spec that I know that makes you immune to stuns unless you are evoker or w/e that can put a buff on you to be immune?

I can say it like this, there were atleast 2 high rated arms warriors that complained they cant do anything and could only be called playable if they were S+ tier.
DH is def playable right now, its not the best for sure but its playable. Unplayable literally means you barely can do anything at all and its almost an auto loose when you play it.

Sub rogues def dont have the issues, but they have also been classified as OP still. Outlaw and Assa is different though.

Understandable and I do apologize if you felt it was too “forward” or “accusing” because it was not ment to be that way. My first post were basically a rush while doing something else at the same time.

And why I said people are playing DH, is because you can go into drustvar, press activity, go EU → 24 hour → Solo Shuffle. x)

dh is less represented class and spec in all existing brackets, tf u smoking?
delulu forum experts are hilarious

Arms is less represented than rets. Does that makes arms unplayable?
delulu DH experts are hilarious.

just checked profile, who i’m arguing with…
That reminded me NA topic where every 1.5kxp player replied that dhs are fine go git gud. Sure, i lvled boomy and got less than in 3 days 2550 never played this class ever, sometimes these crazy advices work if u think through

Ah yes, I forgot, are you the same kind of high rated player like 2 arms who said arms are unplayable unless they are S+ tier? :person_shrugging:

Who am I arguing with who cant even use statistics correctly… Oh man.
People are playing DHs is all I even said, but you wanted to make it sound like I said something else. Then trying to play my “rating” card like it has any relevance to statistics. :rofl:
Is this what they call DH brain? :thinking:

Its almost like the only representation shows is what most likely currently is overtuned or was overtuned during a period of time. But its quite hard to figure out that representation does not prove if something is playable or not.

Also never said DHs is “git gud” situation, even said their defensives isnt something to “cheer” for, but I guess thats what comes from selective reading.

Every your statement is wrong and pointless to read. You don’t play the game and you don’t know mechanics and even basics of arena

Talking to OP, there are much bigger problems in the pvp. If they start removing micro cc abilities and billions modifiers, it’d be extremely buffs for dhs and improves in quality of gameplay because all u press would matter. However, with all these reworks, giving every class 10 defensives, this game is doomed and requires month or years of developing.
U would not die if u pre stun or pre kite when ur healer in cc if there aren’t 100% dmg modifiers. If u kick caster u will not suffer from billion random procs from him and etc

Actually made me chuckle, gj :+1:

They don’t care about PvP anyway, the game solely survives on PvE. Hence why they just don’t give a damn about balance, but what’s even more tragic is that DH is even trash in PvE since it doesn’t bring utilities except the 5% magic damage buff and that’s it. Their damage is much less than all other classes that doesn’t bring utilities as well so they just don’t get picked in PvE neither

The issue for PvE is bigger then that though.
Quite clear example, for pretty much everyone except blizzard, is that they need to nerf utility instead of dmg.
Aug evokers will continue be “mandatory” due to everything they bring.
Fire mage is uncapped dmg, not sure how the nerf hit them.
Shadow priest brings too much with mass dispel and soothe so even if they nerf the dmg they will still be meta.

If they even cared about balancing even in PvE they would either prune or give specs something equal so its not “cherry picking”.
In S1 when I played WW as main, it took over an hour to even get into a key which I had already done. Imagine if aug evokers existed back then.

Ah, I dont play the game apparently so… All these are false. :person_shrugging: