Lets talk RDF

Because of many bad changes, it will be smart to add even more bad changes?

EDIT, I still do not understand:

It’s so good to hear from the mouth of a Vanilla players that he won’t play at the beginning and he’s not for the RDF day one.

I saw you are French, so give it to me in French, I might understand better (English and French both being foreign to me)

RDF is not bad, you think it is, but it’s not.

I think it it not bad LATER. I loved RDF after ICC in Wrath first time around, But I would have HATED it at launch - forcing me to run dungeons from day one.
Just as i did not like all those other changes when they arrived. Actually the ICC patch was the beginning of the end of my love-affair with WoW.

Just to make it clear: I do not want RDF in from launch, nor a month after, but a considerate time after… much less do I want that *** what’s in the PTR now :wink:

Even without RDF i’m forced to do every dungeons for 2 reasons :

  • Forced doing to get the stuff faster as possible because the first phase of Wotlk is not unlimited and many people will ask for Ulduar fast. So i have to get my dg stuff fast to go in Naxx fast and getting his stuff fast because Ulduar will come fast. That’s the first and the most important problem for me.

  • And all dungeons for the emblems because we can buy stuff, gems and heirlooms with that and its expensive.

Ah It’s a you problem YOU want RDF, so that YOU can spam dungeons all day.

I thought you had sensible, game related arguments for wanting those changes.
If so, I’m happy it’s removed (or postponed) so that we all have to at least partially level in the open world. Dungeons ad nauseam is NOT fun!

It is my fault if the game design is bad ? No, i’m not responsible, change the game design first instead of changing a feature that is not the responsible too.

I don’t have to get argument to let it in the game.
But YOU have to get arguments to remove it.

And every anti-RDF arguments are listed here and countered at 99%.

All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Here’s your argument against RDF before ICC.

Bro are you a fkin bot ?
Wtf this loop guy

You want to play with that ?

Yes and we did not have these things until ICC :melting_face:

  • Summoning Stones: To use any Summoning stone, a character must be at least level 15. There is no maximum level to use these meeting stones.
  • Health and Mana Regeneration: These regeneration rates have been increased up to 200% for low level characters. As the character level increases, regeneration rates gradually decrease, until returning to normal rates at level 15.
  • Troll and Orc shaman totems now have their own unique appearance.
  • Nerfed Oculus
  • The distance at which these health bars are visible to players has been increased by 40 yards. (oh wait, isn’t already enabled on TBC ? :slight_smile: )
  • The speed of improving the Norfendre reputations has been increased by approximately 30%.

Yes and we did not have these things until ToC :melting_face:

  • Cast duration to summon any ground mount is now 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
  • The skill Apprentice Rider (75) can now be learned at level 20 for 4 gold. A letter will be sent to characters reaching level 20 to direct them to the riding master.
    Companion Rider skill (150) can now be learned at level 40 for 50 gold. A letter will be sent to characters reaching level 40 to send them again to the riding master.
    The Expert Rider skill (225) can now be learned at level 60 for 600 gold from Honor Hold or Thrallmar masters. Faction discounts are now applied (Honour Hold for the Alliance, Thrallmar for the Horde). Flight speed at this skill level increased to 150% of run speed from 60%.
    Artisan Rider Skill (300): Faction discounts are now applied (Honor Hold or Valor Expedition for the Alliance, Thrallmar or Warsong Offensive for the Horde).
    To continue harmonizing the number of mounts available for purchase for each race, a new 60% speed ground mount has been added for night elves, and a new 100% speed ground mount has been added for Forsaken.
  • Object comparisons: by pressing the Shift key. while hovering over an item with the mouse now displays the stat differences from the currently equipped item in the corresponding slot.
  • Portals have been added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind to lead players to the Stairs of Destiny at the Dark Portal.
  • A new zeppelin dock has been added to Thunder Bluffs to allow Horde players easier travel to and from Orgrimmar.
  • The local mail department got tired of walking so far each day to collect mail and decided to install a large number of new mailboxes in Stormwind, Undercity, Darnassus and Orgrimmar.
  • All stackable potions are now stackable by 20.

Yes and we did not have these things until Ulduar :melting_face:

  • All ground mounts can now swim without unhorsing their rider. Flying mounts still cannot swim and dismount their rider when entering water.
  • Applying a glyph no longer requires being near a Lexicon of Power. The same rules apply for changing glyphs
  • Players no longer need to complete the Nat Pagle, Extreme Angler quest to become Artisan Anglers. The quest rewards you with a special premium fishing rod. Players who have already completed this quest can visit Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh to receive this new fishing rod.

Yes I want to play Wrath as it was before 3.3.0! Nothing would make me happier in fact!

As you want to play, don’t worry k**.

Yes This change that’s not a change, but how it was, would actually make me play Wrath Classic - when the DK “plague” is subsided :wink: (should be between 7 and 15 days from launch).

RDF is not a feature. It’s game design. You said so yourself:

RDF was introduced along ICC when the game design changed. I fully admit that RDF was part of Wotlk after the game designed changed after ICC.

Classic is based on the game design before RDF though.

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And i already provided to you a solution to help the design.

You have spammed this forum for weeks now trying to argue that RDF is just a feature like any other feature. You even compared it to how we can stack potions to 20 and stuff like that.

Do you now admit that RDF is more than just a feature added in a patch? RDF is in fact a whole new game design.


No, you do.
And again, i’ll provided a solution for your vision of the game.

I must have missed it. Where is the solution?

But just to be clear. It’s not my vision. Its not even a vision. It’s a fact. It’s a specific written article that tells us what the design pillars are for Wotlk Classic.

Yes so then =>

Then =>
Do not permit to do the same HC dg per day with the ID of the dungeons.
Problem solved.

RDF is not a static tools, you can customize it.
Players don’t care about ridiculous things like buff damage, cross-serv, doing more hc per day.
They care about auto-group.
When pro RDF are talking about RDF, they want it because of the auto-group, and also teleport because afk alt tab google chrome 5min until the fly end the travel is the reality

First of all I will need to ask you a simple yes or no question.

Are you asking for RDF with the official name “Cross Realm Dungeon finder” from WOTLK patch 3.3.0?

The answer should be no. Right? You are not actually asking for that. Right? You are asking for a new custom group finder tool, right?

Actually you are wrong. The entire WotLK was designed to be more ‘casual friendly’. RDF was nothing more then one part of that design, a feature of that design. Not the design itself.

Lol yea. And many of you anti-RDF people just bought that article. Baited and hooked by Blizzard.
Rather then give it a second thought. Does this ring true, really?

First: Official name wasn’t cross-realm dungeon finder. Cross-realm was a feature of the Random Dugeon Finder-tool, but nevermind. Call it what you want.

Second: Just stop. Now you’re just trying to twist things to fit your narrative. You can customize and make a couple of changes to RDF and it is still RDF.
If you wanna cry about things like that, cry about the enhanced LFG-tool then… oh wait, they’ve made changes to that. Guess we can’t call it LFG-tool anymore…

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Well I disagree on that.

Do you have any source that supports that claim? All I have seen is when Blizzard admit that they goofed up on the tuning in Naxx and Wotlk dungeons.

But no matter what. RDF was implemented after ICC and totally changed the game design. Up until ICC you could only run the same heroic dungeons once per day. You was in a great advantage if you solarized to do this. After ICC you would get a buff from queuing solo and you could run the same heroic an unlimited amount of times.

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