Lets talk RDF

And who are these people making those claims? Are they OG devs that made Wotlk? Was any of them in management? No. They just put lockout changes that not to pressure people doing 4 raid lockouts every week and there was no such thing ever but they actually making us doing ToC one time in week and forcing us to go Ulduar to get bis trinkets from HMs if people needs it because they changed whole meta and actually people need to spend more time cause of it. Who makes this decision? People that played wotlk 13 years ago and have no idea how people adapted the content and how hard/easy or mediocre that they have no idea. Do you really think that they did naxx 25 man with %30 buffed state and said this was hard? People killing OS3D with blues rofl.

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Are you completely unaware of that your “evidence” is no evidence at all?

It’s completely new devs that came up with your so called evidence. They aren’t the ones that made the original wotlk, they’re all long gone.


Ow Jazem we just jinxed. I think we are meant to be together bro haha


Ion Hazzikostas comes to mind :man_shrugging:

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Lmao I’m quite open-minded thankfully :grin:

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He was responsible of Elitist Jerks back in the day till TBC then started as a game designer on wotlk pre tbc era. He was not in “management” like I was asking it and also he has nothing to do with classic project not the one of the people making choices

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Oh really?

Hazzikostas joined Blizzard Entertainment in the summer of 2008 as a game designer*, and his responsibilities have included raid boss design and implementation,*

I dont know what decisions he made but I am pretty sure he was talking to people and learing what they thought about difficulty and stuff.

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This is unfortunately wrong. We will have the game design from 3.3.5 - only the instances / dungeons will be rolled out in phases, so technically you’re wrong here.
Still RDF should not be in-game from launch.

If its of any interest I AM asking for the Cross Realm Dungeon finder as and WHEN (ICC) it was in OG Wrath. I am all for #NoChanges. and if we could have the other contents, features, tools etc patched as well I would be very happy.

Patch notes beg to differ. Cross-Realm Dungeon Finder was what it was called back then.

3.3.5 is a patch and before that patch you had other patches with various features. We are getting most features at launch.

RDF is not a feature as much as it is a game design. We are not getting the RDF game design in Classic. If it simply was a feature we would have gotten it from launch.

This is pure word magic. RDF and the changes of 3.3.0 are locked together like the links in a chain mail.
We get Wrath as it was in 3.3.0-3.3.5, only without the instances and RDF. You will see for yourself at launch just how much this changes the game. I am NOT happy!.

Like I asked. Was he on management? No so where you there when he was designing no? So you again your claims based on your thoughts but not on actually truth.

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Ok lets try again.

Here is the link: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Ion_Hazzikostas

Wotlk was released October 2008.

Ion started to work at Blizzard in the summer 2008. Well before Wotlk was released.

His job was literally: " a game designer, and his responsibilities have included raid boss design and implementation"

And we are specifically talking about Wotlk Naxx raid boss design and imlementation. That was his job.

Now I don’t know who made what decitions. But you asked this:

YES, Ios is literally one of the OG devs that made Wotlk. He would know what the intention was for raid balance. That was literally his job back then.

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And here I am thinking we are talking about RDF, not raids. I’m terribly sorry.

He is, absolutely. The last one standing. But how much do you really think he has to do with the descitionmaking? He’s nothing but a puppet for those in control.

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You literally said this:

And that is what we are discussing right now.

I pointed out that Wotlk was not intended to be so casual friendly as you may think. It was not the intended game design per se.

RDF was implemented along ICC and it completely changed the whole game design for how we interact with the content and other players.

Have you heard about to his comments on Dragonflight alpha was late? Litreally his words " we design next expansion when shadowlands released so we were working on it already for a long time". So make an argument Ion about Ion then.

No I whis topic literally says Lets talk RDF and you said

Right? So on this you are applying they made it easier right? So who are they? Also who do you think makes it end calls? One year old employee or management?

So it says that he is an one of the game designer team that responsible of making new raids. So he is not at the top, not in management just a new guy came to Blizzard and he was responsible of making bosses. Do you know which bosses? Which spells? Which mechanics? Did his designs approved from his Chef Designer? No. You don’t , you assume.

No like Ian says Blizzard works on expansion 1 or 2 years before relasing because even it’s just an expansion they have to write quests, make art sketches, plan the expansion and so on. I mean if you believe that again telling you Ion made wotlk LOL cause like you said he was responsible of making raid bosses and still none of which you know about and you have no information about which of his things approved and again he is not in the team of Classic Wotlk. He is responsible of retail and Brian is actually one of the guys that responsible of making decisions about rfd, lockouts and other stuff he was just an engineer. Not in management, not a chef just an employee.

So their “new” ideal of wotlk comes from nothing of their assumption and lack of experience and which is bad. You also linking that post of devs that saying " we want to make it harder" while when we were having hard time on killing OS3D in retail people killed it with blues. So even their ideal wotlk not implemented.

So again ending up with, NONE of the OG devs that made Wotlk is making any of the calls heck they are not even working for blizzard anymore. If you like Ion and love him so much and love his idea of hard raid bosses you can look up some stuff about retail’s last raid and get numbers and you will see it’s the lowest amount of clears of an end boss ever happened to wow.

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