Let's talk thistle tea.. again!

Since MM hunters got a choice note for keeping their pets like instantly after they complained about it, i think its time to give rogue a choice note for thistle tea!
I have played thistle tea before and after it got changed, and i have to say: I really really hate that i waste my teas automaticly!
I get that it helps newer player which is good, but i hate that everyone has to use this as the only option and the only way i have to play around it is to never drop below 30 energy.

Its unfortunately just a popularity thing, we don’t have the impact that hunters have since there’s actually a chance they’d lose a not-insignificant number of players if they didn’t cave. They will eventually get around to looking at rogues again but probably not til the next expansion.

I think there’s a bigger issue and thats why thistle tea is even needed at all. I think they need to rework energy where its more of a resource to use for utility, like mana was changed for casters/hybrids.

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Energy is generally a non-resource for Assa in AoE (that is, if you play Indiscriminate Carnage, borderline required for AoE anyway) and very dull in ST (sometimes you just sit back for several seconds to pool energy and don’t press anything at all, which is a crime these days, really). Outlaw was always the spec with the most “energy, what energy” tools even back when it was Combat, and Sub has enough things to manage outside of energy. So perhaps it really is worth to take a look at how Energy is used and whether it really is all that fun for it to be used to gate everything a Rogue does.

Now, I know I’ve skipped like the last 12 years of design changes because I quit during Cata and only came back six months ago, but Energy used to be the resource you cared the least about in the long term. These days it’s possibly the most precious resource outside of mana for healers only - even Arcane Mage, which actually uses mana to do damage, can run out for more than 2 seconds only through sheer incompetence.

In fact, looking through changes to Rogues in TWW and 11.0.5, it feels to me like most changes were made without looking at how it would affect the class as a whole. In some way, it feels as though the people behind the changes were only familiar with how Sub plays, and based the changes off that.

  • Shadow Dance was removed from non-Sub rogues (I actually approve of that, I don’t think having SD on Assa/Outlaw is good for spec identity), but multiple powerful talents that relied on combat stealth were not - therefore both Sin and Outlaw are forced to use Vanish as an offensive cooldown rather than a defensive one (and it has several defensive functions at the core still, which tend to be wasted).
  • Echoind Reprimand was removed (also, good), but its function was given to…Shiv, which already has a lot of functions baked into it (poison boost, enrage dispel, sometimes AoE poison/bleed boost depending on talents), or RtB, which Outlaw players seem to despise and that you press as a part of the rotation anyways. It seemingly works for Sub, as Symbols of Death is already a DPS cooldown that has no other function than to improve your burst.
  • Deathstalker as a whole is reliant on Ambush from stealth, which is, again, a thing only Sub now has easy access to during combat. Any multi-target fight for DS Assa is a pain, because you basically lose 70% of your Hero tree if you have to swap targets often and they don’t die to give you Darkest Night (like first boss of MoTS or duo boss in Stonevault) - or you have to waste time ending the debuff on the non-priority target. This might be a skill expression thing, and I’ve learned to work around it for the most part, but very few specs have a design like this - at most they just need to hold their CDs for a few seconds to drop them on target 2 rather than target 1.
  • Thistle Tea is now used automatically (seemingly good, one less button to care about for a class that is pretty busy outside of Assa ST) but it has a burst component which means you don’t actually want it to be consumed whenever, you want it during burst only. This means that a presumed QoL change actually forces you to watch your energy bar even closer, lest you waste a rather powerful (+20% mastery on my Assa Rogue, and it scales further, making it basically equivalent to having a supercharged Skardyn’s Grace if utilized correctly) burst CD during Deathmark/KB downtime.

Lol bro u are comparing us to huntards ??? Man this class is the spoiled kid of blizzard, the braindead class of blizzard, the reason why millions play this game. Blizzard dont give a flying f about rogues, you can easily tell ltbis from the way they been ruining “outlaw” since they changed it from COMBAT to this pirate joke