since Battle for Azeroth we know about the scaling system.
I just uploaded a video where I am able to beat ilvl 430+ Players on my Level 110 Shaman. Its ridicilous that Blizzard still think scaling is a good thing. It should never be able to beat 120s no matter what ilvl im having.
The way I see it. Your opponents were either drunk, bots, or blind, because they were most certaintly terrible at pvp.
Other than that, gz. Was a fun watch.
your right some of them were bad but I have a lot of footage where Im able to beat 2,2k+ Players and I think they know what they are doing, most of them just underestimate me
Yeah thats what happens when you exploit the scaling system + active Legion legendaries + terrible opponents. Also you say 440+ lvl opponents but that is not true, 430+ ilvls is around 295k+ HP. None of them were even close to that.
It was fun to watch though. I’m all for lowbies to have a fighting chance.
That feral at the begining was a clear retard. Ele shamans can never defeat ferals, unless the feral is a complete idiot. Poor guy, brought shame to his class.
I am not sure if it was a exploit (lower lvl+legendaries), but anyway nice video. Good job.