Level 110 Shaman owns Level 120 chars with ilvl 440+

Hi guys,

since Battle for Azeroth we know about the scaling system.

I just uploaded a video where I am able to beat ilvl 430+ Players on my Level 110 Shaman. Its ridicilous that Blizzard still think scaling is a good thing. It should never be able to beat 120s no matter what ilvl im having.

What are your thoughts about scaling?


The way I see it. Your opponents were either drunk, bots, or blind, because they were most certaintly terrible at pvp.
Other than that, gz. Was a fun watch.

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your right some of them were bad but I have a lot of footage where Im able to beat 2,2k+ Players and I think they know what they are doing, most of them just underestimate me



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Glad to see some 110 twinking, been beating the sh!it out of players that attack me close to BMAH on my Hpal twink, good times and a worthy /laugh


so THATS the trick how to play shaman?
we are not supposed to play on lvl 120 because there we lose to everything

Yeah thats what happens when you exploit the scaling system + active Legion legendaries + terrible opponents. Also you say 440+ lvl opponents but that is not true, 430+ ilvls is around 295k+ HP. None of them were even close to that.

It was fun to watch though. I’m all for lowbies to have a fighting chance.

Nice, I liked it!

That feral at the begining was a clear retard. Ele shamans can never defeat ferals, unless the feral is a complete idiot. Poor guy, brought shame to his class.
I am not sure if it was a exploit (lower lvl+legendaries), but anyway nice video. Good job.

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