Level scaling / party sync Battlegrounds

Hi everyone

So from the “Content Update Notes” I read:

We’ve also relaxed level restrictions, so lower-level players can queue for instanced content (such as Battlegrounds and dungeons) in their level range, and higher-level players can choose to join them by having their level scaled down. Please note that unlike Timewalking, when your level is scaled, you will temporarily lose access to abilities and powers (such as Azerite Traits and over-level spell, abilities, talents, and trinkets’ effects) with requirements that exceed your reduced level.

(I highlighted the important word :smiley: )

This means, I can, as a 120, get my level scaled down to 90 for example, lose some of my abilities and play a level 90 BG. I have a lot of very good level 90 gear including the legendary cloak and enchanted items with tons of sockets. Most people levelling up won’t have those. they will have quest-greens/blues.

Wouldn’t it be unfair to let a down-scaled 120 join low-level BGs when they can be prepared like twinks?

In my opinion, if you let down-scaled 120s join the normal queue, it’s no different than letting twinks join the normal queue.

as far as I know legendary items are not working in sync mode

Oh the cloak that can no longer be obtained… yeah seems fair sarcasm

Why can’t people just play on an even playing field and let it all be about skill, not gear.

Make all gear the same when you go in there and have a transmog vendor for unique weapon/armour looks based on ranks earned instead.


that’s something - but not all. The cloak was an example and it’s not just about legendary items. My point is: Letting down-scaled 120s join normal BGs would be like letting twinks join again!

Either you misunderstood me or I am misunderstanding you: yes, it is unfair. And it’s not only about the cloak. It’s about all kind of good gear that you can just down-scale and be OP against levelling people. It’s not OK!

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I’m pretty sure you can use them if you’re playing at the right lvl (legion legendaries will work for lvl 101 to 110 but not below)

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Please, the legendary was just an example. This thread is about level-scaled people joining low level BGs with OP enchanted / socketed raid gear for the target level. Twinks can’t do this because they get their own queue, but 120s will probably be able to.

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