Wrong. Keep in mind we’re talking about blizzard and they will find a way to screw level squish somehow but squishing levels to 60 and then reintroducing new talent trees, reworked professions etc will be much better for retail than reworking current mess. Wow cant be fixed. They have to remove so many mechanics completely and add new ones. So you dont want level squish but you want previous expansions to be relevant? L M A O. Level squish and then on top of it scaling of items might keep previous expansions relevant to some extent.
Yes please but blizzard will make it bad somehow.
I didn’t screenshot my survey as I did it. I will do so in future
I found that screenshot I posted earlier on Reddit. I figured somewhere might feature the full thing in screenshots. But no luck so far. Will check out Wowhead
They should squis levels like they did with professions in BFA.
Up until Legion to level a profesion to max level you must level the profession first the Vanilla 1-300, TBC 300-375, WOTLK and so on until Legion that it reached about 800 or somethings.
Comes BFA and now there are independent levels for every expansion, Vanilla 1-300, TBC 1-75…Legion 1-75, BFA 1-75 and you can skip any expansion that you want.
Levels could be the same, but instead of allow to start directly on BFA they could make the player level in the Vanilla zones from 1-60, after reaching level 60 allow to choose 3 previous expansions to level from 0-10, for example i could choose WOTLK, Pandaria and Legion, those levels being only available on that expansion, so if i level 5 levels in Pandaria zones those are desactivated in other expansion zones.
After leveling in 3 expansions allow to start the current expansion, BFA, and level from 0-10 there. To allow people to solo old content they can allow players to use BFA level in any previous expansion if he has already leveled to 10 in that expansion and has started BFA leveling.
When a new expansion is released BFA is moved to the pool of previous expansions and the new expansion become the current expansion, so in this example no matter how many expansions are released any player wont need to level more than 100 levels to play the current content. And that number can be changed for example making Vanilla zones 1-30 instead of 1-60, in that care there is only 70 levels required.
I think a level squish along a talent and leveling would be great for the game.
We’ll have to wait and see, it would be great if Blizzard ends up doing it that they open the beta for 9.0 really early with only the leveling rework, and act upon feedback.
Get rotations more early?
You serious?
What would then get when you are leveling?
No new abilities?
No new talents?
Thats just what makes it so boring.
Even if the old talent system had +1% Crit you still actually had something from leveling.
Now due to scaling you cant even outlevel a zone and feel you are getting more strong
Just mindless, unrewarding grinding for 120 levels.
Just the amount of levels (120) is enough to drive people away.
At this current state of a mess that the game is in we only have stuff to give meaningful rewards for like 40
Have you played anything at low level recently? it is boring as hell (for most specs) with the spell aggregation that it has atm.
They can reward you with other things than spells or talents. I mean, how long have most of us been playing this game? I don’t need to ‘learn’ the classes by slow drip feeding me spells.
The thing is though: let’s say 120 levels takes a month (just as an example!), they squish it to 60. Why would you think those 60 levels won’t take the same amount?
We had quick levelling but blizzard wasn’t okay with that… don’t think those squished levels will be faster. So in the end you’ll most likely end with just a smaller number for the same amount of time invested.
I’d argue that will feel way worse than what we have right now. Without a doubt even.
That 60 is most likely being looked at by blizz (they gave it as an example) because back in vanilla it was fine, levelling even took longer… but there was a whole bunch of reasons why it was fine back then. A few examples: coherent experience of story, more RPG mechanics, everything was new,…
Please don’t feed the troll, he’s harmless… Hopefuly at least.
There were many other questions, like various “would you pay a 50$ boost if it allowed you to skip X hours of leveling” It seem they are trying to guess both the leveling time and the price of the future boost people could accept. (They already know people are ready to buy boosts now, just match the data and you have an estimation)
Yeah, that’s exactly why i think a level squish-only made in that way would make this worse, that would only work if they reduce the time to reach the cap too, in that case this would reduce the time between the unlock of the most satisfying things, and in that case maybe it wouldn’t require other features added to that.
But in the case they just would reduce the level cap and keep inalterated the time to reach it, this feature must come alongside other things, like more rewards, a rework of the talent system, etc…grab what you want, these are only some examples, but if they want to go in that way, it can’t come as a stand-alone change
[quote=“Scarbrand-nemesis, post:7, topic:55625, full:true”]
Imho it wouldn’t be a bad idea[/quote]
It is a TERRIBLE idea. If people fear numbers so much why not get rid of levels at all?
WoW is supposed to be a RPG why the fork has ION to ruin every aspect of it every time?
remember weapon skills?
Levels are the ONLY rpg thing left we have.
Whats next? getting rid of quests and you can just log in any toon to do endgame?
TD;LR: FORK OFF MY LEVEL NUMBER I dont need a reward every level on bad Players that shouldnt be playin WoW at all do!
There are lots of things wrong in reaching 120 in this one though.
LvL squish please, ty. God they only ask for the community’s opinion when it’s not necessary. Terrible.
if this is true you can expect even more people to walk away from wow, is their goal to kill off wow or something? because that’s where they’re going at this point. they still havent fixed legacy content, a 120 should not ever worry about getting killed by a level 90 raid boss because you dont do crap for damage. can you honestly expect a level squish on top of a stat squash to be functional in any sense of the word?
That’s not an issue about the numbers, but about what you get in between the level that allow you to unlock things, in Classic and Vanilla you got talent points, you got weapon skill, these was something you got. Now you don’t get anything besides the level required to unlock talents, some spells (most of them are improvements) and the riding skills.
Exactly…but you probably misunderstood what i ment
You got weapons skill, you got talents while you level up, now what do you get? A level that just gives you a step ahead of the actual level that grant you something.
I never said we whould remove the leveling feature, i’ve more than 15 chars at max level, and i never paid for a level boost, but you can understand that when you level your 20th character the lack of impactfull thing between these 15 level, it becomes a little boring…i mean, these doesn’t have to be impactfull at all, but atleast having something would be nice, not all the talent trees was good at all, most of them was filler abilities that improved something by an amount of 1% per rank, but it was something
No I dont. When has it become ok to EXPECT a REWARD for every level in a RPG? A Squish is NEVER the right solution.
Do you expect a reward when you move from one continent to the next?
Why cant the way be the reward with all its quests?
(And please dont show off how many max level toons you have because it doesnt mean anything for this discussion. At this day and age everyone has multiple max level toons)