Saw this circling on several MMO threads and Reddit posts, apparently Blizzard is sending surveys to some people about the level squish. Apparently the way sentences are worded, level squish is confirmed (“Are you aware that the maximum level of 120 will be reduced in the future (ie Level Squish)?”) Can we get any confirmation whether this is real or not?
Dear God I hope it is true, we have meaningful rewards and content for like 40 levels at tops
Yeah I agree on that. But part of me believes Blizzard would not just hand out surveys where they pretty much openly confirm to a couple of people something that was just discussed as an idea and that’s it without properly announcing it first.
I really hope it isn’t. Blizz have enough problems balancing Legacy content even with just Stat Squishes; They’d be hopeless at balancing a level squish.
This will most likely end up worse than the level scaling.
I’d rather have them:
- Be more creative with rewards for levelling
- Touch up some of the really outdated content
- Add new content from 1 to 120 (invasions, WQ like kind of things just to add some OPTIONAL fluff)
- Get our rotations earlier
But seems its already set in stone… so we’ll get to ‘enjoy’ less levels taking way longer.
Edit: Oh yeah and add back all the content that got removed that added to the story/lore and maybe add more quests (in all expansions) to fluff up the lore
Can confirm this is true, I just filled out the survey myself. It also wasn’t just about level squish, but also Classic, streamers and BFA.
Yes that’s what i’ve saw too.
Imho it wouldn’t be a bad idea, BUT they have to reworks the talents too, i mean: if they squish the levels, it mean that you basically need more time to get for example to level 15 (the first talent row unlocked), this would make the the feeling of getting nothing for each level even worse.
So, if that’s confirmed, i’m pretty sure they will rework the talent system too (and that’s something Ion said it could probably happen, so if it will, will be with the Level Squish).
120 is such a huge number my brain hurts when I think of it so I hope thy squish them to 7 for each expansion 1 level honestly 120 is way way too huge definitely don’t mind the fact that levels as an RPG element will be completely ruined in the process tbh as long as my brain can rest from such huge numbers it will be a great thing
t. 99% of wow community
I completed the survey earlier today but I can not recall it saying it’s confirmed that the squish is happening. It was questions about how you feel about it amongst many other questions about the state of the game, Classic, BfA, streaming etc.
I was notified of the survey via email.
I’m split on this. Would it simply be scaling again?
Peoples (including me) think this is confirmed because on how it’s written:
“Are you aware that the maximum level of 120 will be reduced in the future (ie Level Squish)?”
How it’s written it seems to imply that’s something they will done (i tend to think in the next expansion) anyway.
I agree, but it did also have a question about when you knew Classic was being released that framed your response as being an absolute, rather than an opinion, so we can’t be 100%.
Edit: Also, did anyone else get a jump from 62% to 100% completed after the last question?
This seems like a terrible idea to me. I wish they’d start to work on some ideas to add or rework stuff in the game rather than continuously removing content just so they can add new stuff that will only work in one single expansion.
This is supposed to be an rpg and I want some character progression between expansions not just inside the latest one.
I wouldn’t mind this but I have serious worries about what will happen to soloing old content. Finding groups for old content will be a serious pain if they reduce the level to something like 60. I need to be able to farm my mounts and transmogs! Perhaps they could implement something like a legacy content buff if you go to an old raid or something like that.
Imo a level reset is much more better.
new chars start at 1, and level to 30-60, max levels reset to 1 and level to 30-60 too.
and players can visit previous expansions via timewalking / get a powerup when in old zones.
right now having 120 lvls its too much if they dont do a good squish what then? we gonna reach a point having like 200 lvls ?
yeh a lvl squish is needed but they do know they have a lot of stuff to balance coz that changes everything from mounts to items and stats/mobs… Everything but i prefer a lvl squish over a lvl reset.
These surveys must be rarer than Pandaria world mounts, at least of those I already saw 1
Well, I am against this. But I haven’t gotten the survey, so what does it matter what I think?
I never pretended that my response would have been an absolute 100% instead of an opinion.
I’m just personally sure that this thing will eventually happen because Ion adressed the issue, is just that, an opinion, maybe i have too much hope on that, but still an opinion, i don’t pretend peoples agrees with me