Level squish survey

I like it and who does not and use excuse on scaling first are not playing 2Nd are too bad to see any difference and after seeing scaling they automatically think something is bad imo they should buff things make something TO KILL YOU for being dumg

Ofc I get why people miss the talent trees: NOSTALGIA because in reality you had ONE setting you played and never changed it.
No you didnt had a real choice and very many useless talents

And people miss weapon profencies because it was a role play aspect Blizzard killed for NO reason and now they wanna do the same with our levels and you are fine with it facepalm

The reason we lost what you call “progression in regards of leveling” is because 99% of the players DONT CARE for leveling because we dont live in 2004 anymore. These days wow is all/and only about endgame. These days leveling doesnt take you weeks anymore.

My Point is changing the LEVEL number does NOT change the Problem leveling has these days.


I was comparing Classic to today? Really? Even though I had a whole line specifically mocking your claims where I pointed out Dungeons didn’t give meaningful Exp until LFG was applied to them in Cata, so at the very least it was the case for BC(and lets be honest even back in Cata when they applied it to all dungeons, they were most assuredly not exp efficent, that came when dungeons became laughably easy to complete due to MoP ditching the talent tree and greatly increasing base line power).

But you know why it is fair to compare it to classic? Maybe because the post I replied to ended with the line “AND it always has.” I dunno I think it is completely reasonable to compare the current situation to any point on the timeline you specified it to have been the case. That is to say I’d think saying that gearing has ALWAYS started at max level would include Vanilla.

Also stop nitpicking every single one of my replies instead of responding to my actual points. Why do you, in any way think, that applying gearing on a smaller scale to leveling (considering it is such an important part of max level content) would be in any shape or form BAD? Why is reducing the number of levels and increasing the time spent on each level to facilitate actual growth in power within a singular level so horrid when that is the exact gameplay of max level until the level cap is raised.(Friendly reminder, as Ion stated, they’d overall still reduce the time spent leveling when doing the squish, so even if you do not care for those benefits, you will still get to max level faster)

Yes, that’s a motivation, but the cookie-butter builds is an argument that doesn’t really involve into the leveling system. It’s mostly a thing about cap level content.

Again, NO, i don’t want it as a stand-alone feature, i should be the one who facepalm at you, because you still didn’t get what i ment after 3 posts where i’m trying to explain to you what i said but it seems you are blindfolded on what i’m saying, or maybe you are just getting what you want to get.

I never said the opposite.

In fact i said that if they will do it, it must not be a stand-alone thing, they must do it along with other changes that will help the progression system.

Tone it down, you can disagree without that attitude.

we’ll have to wait until blizzcon announcement so they can explain, i don’t think its going to be a straight scale, maybe there’s going to be more power gap between levels plus less levels means talent trees back, that is very nice.

I hope the squish comes into fruition. I cannot wait to get my heritage armor.

So then 40 to 60 will be pointless for you.

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There is literally NO reason for a level squish.

  • It will not make leveling faster.
  • You still won’t get meaninful spell upgrades and talents at every level so it’s pointless.
  • Other games (like ESO) have a champion point requirement of cp160 and it’s fine.
  • Expansions come with a max level boost anyway, so seeing ‘120 levels ohmygod’ won’t put off new players any more than ‘80 levels ohmygod’.
  • It’s okay to keep high numbers. ESO has up to 810 cp (basically talent points you can put into passives to boost select stats) and it’s fine.
  • Max level 80 or 120 are equally arbitrary when the process of getting there takes the same time. Changing a number doesn’t improve leveling.
  • It would make it harder to understand for new and returning players (‘I saw a video of a 110 raid, when can I reach that?’)
  • All of previous expansion details, online articles, guides, etc would have to be edited retrospectively and it would make it super confusing.
  • Many people who want a level squish might just want it for the sake of seeing their level at 60 and 80 again, for the sake of nostalgia. But come on it wouldn’t change the game at all, leveling would still take as long, just the digits would be different. We don’t spend time staring at our level number anyway so it’s a completely unnecessary change.

I really hope they DO NOT level squish.

And please everybody, while you discuss the level squish, do not actually presume something else. ‘Rewards for every ding’ is not a level squish discussion, ‘More streamlined leveling experience’ is not a level squish discussion, ‘Leveling shouldn’t take as long’ is not a level squish discussion. A level squish is literally just: take the same leveling, with the same route and zones, the same number of quests done and the same number of mobs killed, take the same amount of hours that it requires now, and ask yourselves if it would be really an improvement whatsoever if the number at the end would be different.


I don’t know why ppl are hating on it.
Lv squishing brings so many good things for everyone,
Better leveling experience for alters and newcommers.
All the talents would be compressed in those “60” lvs
Talent trees would be back
Current players wouldn’t be affected by it cuz they are already max lv
Making old content relevant again.

None of these things would come of a level squish, what you describe is Classic which you can play soon.


Decrease to 90.

Add back Artifact as progression system (60-70) (the gold one ofc)

Keep Azerith trait who change how you play into a progression systèm (70-80)

Add a new system to keep class fun at current content who dont involve infinite and unfun AP grind.

Give back Artifact spell baseline to everyone .

Kill “Class identity”.

Add 2 talent row to compensate BFA unexistant news spell/passive.

Drop me Wish Santa bottle also.


And this.


Nothing you said has to do with a level squish.

‘Better leveling experience for alters and newcommers’: Let’s say now it takes 2 hours to get from level 1-15. You get your first (level15) talent. With a level squish, it would take the same 2 hours to get from level 1-5. You’d still only get your first (level5) talent. No improvement at all.

‘All the talents would be compressed in those “60” lvs’: Right now 7 talent points are drawn out across 100 levels. With the level squish, the same 7 talent points would be drawn out across 60 levels. No improvement at all.

‘Talent trees would be back’: No they wouldn’t be. A level squish doesn’t mean that Blizz will reroll the servers to a WotLK client or whatever. A level squish means that you have literally the same skills, literally the same talents, leveling takes literally the same amount of time. No improvement at all.

‘Making old content relevant again.’: No it wouldn’t be. Scaling the zones up is a separate discussion. Let’s say right now it takes 10 hours (25 dungeon runs) to level from 1-60 to reach TBC. After that Vanilla zones are irrelevant. With a level squish, it would take the same number of 10 hours (the same 25 dungeon runs) to level from 1-20 to reach TBC. After that Vanilla zones are still irrelevant. So again, it is no improvement whatsoever.

Please form your opinion about the level squish based on what a level squish is, not on some different unrelated revamped leveling that they could do even without a squish.


Well that’s basically what a level squish would be, call it level revamp or whatever, and why do you think they would re-roll to Wotlk trees, obviously they would introduce a new talent system, hopefully with more deph that the current one.
and with the new exp, comes new skills and classes reworks/tweaks like in every other new exp.

Lv Squishing is happening sooner or later and WoW needs it.

Please don’t spread more misinformation. Many people including myself already explained to you that ‘level squish’ doesn’t mean what you think it means. :slightly_smiling_face: [Insert Inigo Montoya meme here]

A level squish is the reduction of the maximum level. Nothing more. Quoting the Blizzard definition: “Are you aware that the maximum level of 120 will be reduced in the future (ie Level Squish)?”

It’s not ‘basically a a level revamp or whatever’ and would certainly not ‘obviously introduce a new talent system’.

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I think those are different, a revamp and a squish. I don’t mind a squish too much, I’d rather not have one at all, but another revamp could kill the game, depending on how it is worked.

Well, since we don’t have any official information is pointless to keep discussing, but it’s obvious they’re gonna change things or else WoW will keep going downhill and if ppl can’t see that, they are deluded on their fantasy realms.

WoW is going “downhill” BECAUSE of the specific ways the devs are changing things, and the devs are changing things the way they want: it is Working As Intended™. OK, so Azerite was a misstep, but they are changing the game into the game they want it to be, the game they made a long term plan for after the failure of Titan, and I’m very much afraid they’re not going to stop.

Anyone who doesn’t like the direction has a lifeboat in Classic. That’s it.


Personally i would dislike this, i generally dislike squishes though, unless you get into way too ridiculous numbers like in the billion or more, that’s where i draw the line personally.

I never had any problems with big numbers.