Leveling is too easy and boring

Easy and Boring > Hard and Boring.

Leveling not being easy doesn’t necessarily make it fun.

If the content is boring, I would much rather it be easy.

Too late as usual, lots of folks are already lvl 80 by steamrolling dungeonspam. But at least they removed the ability to click down the XP buff from your warband…

No I wouldn’t complain if it was more challenging and fun. I only complain about them designing the game for people like you who should be playing Minecraft instead of WoW.

This is a MMORPG, I want to feel strong if I worked for my gear, especially when the quest rewards and drops are absolute garbage.
If you think you do too much damage or are too tanky, you can still take off gear, no? Why do you want to dictate how other people have to feel and play? That’s weird.

Because you are at the start, where it is supposed to be easy…
In the last 2 zones I can to use CDs to live with ilvl 500.

If you want leveling to be more challenging, take off some gear. Why do you want to enforce what YOU want on others?

You talk a lot and say nothing. Leveling in a new expansion should be challenging and fun no matter what boss you killed last expansion, its not even fair for it to be otherwise.

And last time I checked, the expansion costs the same as the game, unsure how that should change anything. “Hey its just an $50 expansion, its ok that it SUCKS”, ye right

Looking forward to all the people complaining about easy leveling getting their wish granted and deleting their level 80’s and starting on their level 70 alts, assuming they have any left by not in any way whatsoever taking advantage of the easy leveling.

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It is designed for:

Max geared DF S4 chars
Pre-patch geared chars
Freshly dinged 70s in greens

Scaling exists, Blizz just doesn’t know how to implement it.

Worst decision ever
Early acces abuser took advantage of fast leveling and the poor lower class folk have too suffer boring long questing
F that

Minecraft doesn’t have a leveling system, so your comparison doesn’t really make sense. I prefer to take my time with quests, actually read what they say, and figure out where I need to go. I enjoy questing, and even after reaching max level, I like to finish all the quests before moving on to end-game content.

In previous expansions, you could reach max level before finishing all the quests in a zone, and it shouldn’t be any different in this one. I don’t want to spend 5 minutes killing a single mob or struggle to AoE multiple mobs because they have too much health and can’t be taken down quickly - or die trying. What’s fun or challenging about that?

Quests in retail shouldn’t be overly challenging; if you want a tougher experience, there’s always Classic Hardcore.

Because you completely missed the point, being an expansion has nothing to do with price, but balance is made with already existing characters in mind.

If that was the case we wouldn’t be getting 483 ilvl quest rewards at lvl 73, this is DF S3 crafted gear. The fact that as a max geared S4 character you’re not getting any upgrades until lvl 77-78 says everything.

I remember in past expansions where as soon as you hit the first new level, you would start changing your gear and not wait until the last 3 levels for a mere gear upgrade.

theyve announced a patch to make it harder

The level 70 areas were tuned for ~380 ilevel, looking at the drops they offered.

Anyone who walked in having played s4 was obviously going to find it too easy in their 500+ tier items.

It’ll be interesting to see what this patch does for new players, and alts that are barely 380 ilevel as they enter the zone.

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Agree the early levels was kinda easy. But nontheless blizz will make mobs harder tomorrow.

Not much. You won’t die if that’s what you’re thinking unless you try to group them up like 10 mobs. Beside you get gear rewards in quests so you will catch up fast af gearwise.

Ive mashed through 2 of the 4 zones today with conquest gear which is not even the top. I barely could even press more than 3 buttons before last bosses or elites were dead. Its just not rewarding playing a new expansion like this. All the gear useless to me so.

I wouldve thought by now rewards on questing would be scaled based on your ilvl but no…

Maybe its time blizzard starting balacing around ilvl and not lvl since lvl means nothing anymore

In TBC Blizzard did a very hard reset and you basically started replacing your gear the moment you stepped into Hellfire Peninsula.
People complained about that, because it felt like it undermined the value of the gear you had worked so hard for in Naxxramas or Ahn’Qiraj in Vanilla.

So in WotLK Blizzard did a very soft reset and basically let players enjoy their existing items for much longer – so long in fact that top guilds like Ensidia and Method cleared Naxxramas in their TBC epics.
So players also complained about that, because it felt like all the leveling rewards were worthless when your old epics with enchants and set bonuses remained so powerful.

So in typical Blizzard fashion, after going from one extreme to the other, they landed on a somewhat happy medium going forward.
So well-geared mains would hold onto their existing gear until half-way through the leveling, at which point they would start replacing items. And lesser-geared alts and other new characters would start replacing gear right away.
That lead to a leveling experience where you had a slight initial advantage if you were well-geared, and then the playing field would even out in the later half of the leveling.
And that has been the most ideal design since then.

So why in God’s name Blizzard forgot their own design lesson for The War Within is a mystery to me.
We’ve been through this process before. Blizzard have tried all the options. We have, collectively as a community, decided on the best option. And for some mysterious reason, then Blizzard didn’t opt for it with The War Within.

Sometimes you have to question the professionalism of the development team. And this is one of those times.


Isn’t a new expansion all about getting new gear, enjoying a fresh questing experience, and resetting your stats? As people have mentioned in other threads, your stats start anew, so the gear from the previous expansion shouldn’t really matter. You had your high-end gear, your character was powerful for that expansion, and that’s where it ends.

The people who complained about these things back then are long gone. WoW has evolved since TBC, and now leveling has become inconsistent. Players want to have fun with questing, not be bogged down by slow leveling that takes forever to reach max level. If people want to experience slow leveling, there are other options out there, but retail isn’t one of them.

Sure, you can certainly argue that.

And between a hard reset, a soft reset, and something in-between, Blizzard went with the soft reset – which I think has historically been the least popular. For the reason you point out.

Players do tend to favor the fresh experience and the excitement of new gear upgrades versus not getting that and holding onto old items longer.

Maybe Blizzard will remember that again for the next time. Maybe.


It seems a more sensible solution as Blizzard has never got scaling correct (See any levelling dungeon since BFA when it started), is to reduce the massive ilevel disparity at any given level.

The fact that some people were 520 or even 530 while some can be 380 at the same level is staggering.