Leveling is too easy and boring

There is no challenge to it what-so-ever, you oneshot everything.

If you wanted to have it just for the damn lore, then give the option for us to watch the movie and get over with it.


I was in Stranglethorn Vale with a Nightborne Priest. She was level 10. I needed just one spell to kill a mob. This is definitely too easy. When I made more levels, it became harder and gave more fun.

Mobs in the old content are way too easy. This is acceptable to someone who is completely new to World of Warcraft, but I would suggest to give mobs more dangerous abilities when the player levels up and gets more experienced. The mobs could be as hard as in new content since Mists of Pandaria, and later expansions. People must play their chars well, use talents wisely, look at the animations of their mobs, or they just die.

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Leveling has never been hard since og vanilla days, you are 20 years too late for the party.


people whine when it takes a while :man_shrugging:

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It was during vannila and TBC.


Blizzard heard you!

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It wasn’t and now since classic is a thing, it proves you’re objectively wrong.


I died multiple times duting classic leveling. I had to be carefull with pulling mobs and elite are completly out of reach without group. So you are just delusional becouse i literaly one shot every mob in TWW and rares are dead in like 3-4 seconds. I havent died once yet and actualy my hp bar never went below 95% so tell me again how WoW leveling was always easy as you want you are just lier.


Looks like they have listened to you!

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Your perception of difficulty exposes your ignorance. But if this is your standard, you’re comparing apples to oranges, vanilla leveling is designed for a fresh character, while TWW is an expansion, meaning it’s designed for characters with entry level gear, not dragonflight S4. Because yes, if you’re fully geared from dragonflight you’re gonna pull 10 mobs and one-shot them, but due to scaling this won’t be possible later on, player power at 70-72 is vastly different to 78-80 where you could easily die to 3 mobs.

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Blizzard just annouced hotfix for leveling since they agree combat is completly broken and doesnt even last 1 single rotation. So bb mate even Blizzard disagrees with you.

And i am not fully geared at all. Iliteraly use some low level crafting TWW gear and event gear with 0 upgrades and everything just dies in 1 spell.

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Disagrees with me how? that vanilla wasn’t easy? the fact that you have to switch the subject shows that you have no clue what you’re talking about
Blizz pretty much said the same thing i explained why your comparison doesn’t work, it’s impossible to craft a balance experience for someone with 520+ ilvl and someone with 424 ilvl which is what you got when boosting a char to 70, the power difference is orders of magnitude.

After tomorrow, you’ll probably make another post complaining that leveling is hard and frustrating. You people never seem satisfied - if something’s easy, you complain; if it’s hard, you complain; if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you complain. Maybe it’s time to find a different game to play.

Leveling shouldn’t be hard - it’s the story that matters, not how many times you die before completing it. This isn’t a game where you can set the difficulty level. If you want a challenge, go play Classic Hardcore.


They’re changing it to be more of challenge tomorrow which I think is a good thing. Leveling should provide at least SOME challenge to make it not a total snoozefest that people just want to skip over asap.

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Gannet is absolutely right tho. I’ve seen players struggling to kill mobs compared to me. They had leveling greens while I was decked in S4 mythic gear. So yeah, it’s a matter of scalling. If they made it harder than it was on start then every single mob would feel like elite for those poor green geared players.

The goal of this change isn’t to make it challenging, it’s to make it consistent, cause another issue with this scaling is the feeling of getting weaker as you level and now you start really overpowered.

They are making it harder btw the literaly just post it on this forum. And i havent seen anyone to struggle with mobs in fact people had problems to actualy tag mobs since they die too fast.

Well, maybe because a vast majority of early access participants were sporting pretty decent gear, myself included. I was literally one shotting mobs at 70 and started to feel it slow down significantly at level 77,give or take.

Yet, there were players running around me, at level 70, that had something like 700k HP. On my lock I had 1.5 mil. So we can roughly guess their gear was half as bad as mine and in my opinion they wouldn’t necessarily cry for more difficult experience. It’s not like they were getting wrecked, but it wasn’t a cake walk either.

My point is you shouldn’t expect Blizz to cater to more hardcore players like us when it comes to such basic thing like leveling. It needs to be acceptable experience for all players, even those that value pet battles as their end game. And you seem to judge it as too trivial because you were able to breeze through it in good gear. Cmon man. If it was such a joke to you then try equipping some low ilvl greens, it should prove more challenging or even better, try to understand there are other players in this game and Blizz needs to balance gameplay around all of them.

Mythic plus is opening pretty soon, you will have a chance to prove yourself there.

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I am casual and definitly want harder levelig and no end game gear at all.

I dont care about M+ its boring content i want leveling to be fun and atles somewhat challenging.

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