Levelling just with mining and herbalism (and maybe archeo)

I’ve done it like 20x, (I have 150 characters) it’s actually way faster than you think it would be.

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Don’t neglect his use of daily pet battles to level. There are a few pet battles that you can do on one character but hand in on another, without needing an NPC to hand it in to.

Old McDonald is one of these. He can do Old McDonald every day on another character, but complete it on DoubleAgent. The XP from these quests scales, so a level 50 will get as much XP as that level 50 would from a regular quest. IIRC, there are 5 or 6 of these, and they do help a lot.

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You could also add pet battles


Hey anna! Whatsup??

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… Thats how i level

Camp rested xp, pick herbs 48 - 60, Its not that bad if you have rested!

Not sure about that last one. I once had a level 40 neutral pandaren before the squish. Can be pretty maddening.

I also leveled 50 to 60 on archeology trying to get the sandstone drake recipe. It’s easier to do that way if you have a goal that isn’t leveling, as some rare archeology stuff can take the span of a lot of levels to obtain.

when ill ding 50 with pally to begin ill do every bonfire from midsummer. (and i have already the achivemenet…)

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