“And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don’t know.”
That Is Kansas.
Apply it to your incredibly narrowminded statement
It’s hilarious that you think they’d reply to a thread like this.
But keep living in that dream world
ahahah thank you for proving what i want so say about you.
You are the prime example of real Social justice warrior that thinks he has the moral highground , because you think your moral compass is the right one.
Thank you xD
Have fun beeing the worst types of Karen and embaress yourself even more.
If you think am narrowminded then I wouldn’t have to explain It Towards you people. That a name is a name not a Indecency
Yes, I understand that.
But your focus is arbitrary and you choose to ignore something which would be even worse by metrics you mentioned.
I don’t call myself something indecent in real life, true.
But I don’t kill people either.
Do you? Or why do you choose to ignore that and not the names?
It will be awesome if they did! But we shall see.
You’ve literally said “I am right and you are wrong”. You’re not really worth anyone’s time to take seriously. You don’t want to listen, why should anyone else. Aj aj aj…
What does killing people have to do with this topic?
this person just named himself after what he is, I did the same, it’s totally okey
And I should take that response from a guy named Clownshoe because`?
… i don’t want to be too mean…
seriously , are you a little bit… special? i mean i won’t judge… would just explain your behaviour a bit…
You compared the game to real life. Not me.
So I went off what you said.
If you don’t like the comparison, don’t use it yourself.
Trying to help you approach this from a more realistic angle where you wont get mocked repeatedly for 217 replies, but ohwell :^)
Honk honk brochaco
You aren’t mean. But people needs to learn how to think of a name.
Didn’t answer my question.
Also no, a joke name is a J O K E name.
I compared the game towards the names. It’s offensive.
some people have something called a sense of humour and find such names pretty hilarious when they randomly encounter them.

a joke name is a J O K E name.
That might be what you say but some people disagree.