LF 3s Arena Team Glad push + Im your Resto Shaman Healer! [A]

I just translated this text from german to english cause i dont wanna repeat the text again, so if there are some major translate problems thank google. Lets go:


i am 28 male ( WoW since 2008 ) looking for the upcoming addon:

2 ambitoned players to build an active and above all loyal team to push Glad.

I was Rogue Main for a long time, but I found love in DF for Resto Shaman, who is pretty high up in the Healer Tier list in TWW.

As far as comps are concerned, I’m open at first, but I’m thinking more of double caster e.g. shadowplay. But I would also not be averse to playing something like double melee / turbo or walking dead etc.

What I expect from you or you:

Min. 2.1k Duelist XP - fully bound buttons, Chill Voice but also self-criticism, suggestions for general improvement.

I have always played with randoms so far and unfortunately got up to Duelist ranks, I think my highest 2s rating was 2,180k or something.

In the Shuffle wars in DF 2092 ^ ^ but I played more on the side because I painted FIFA in time. I found DF PvP just mega scuffed and Shuffle was unfortunately full of wintrader in the end. As a healer, this was no fun.

I have become familiar with the healing of the shaman and would claim that you will get a healer with brain and good CD’management. Of course, the voice will be decisive. Ingame or Discord, I’m actually wumpe.

I have time at any time, because I am in poor health and “Early” Juhu Lotto for WoW gamblers^^ / no worries, no hands, fingers or Neurological restrictions :smiley:

No, joking aside, I seriously want to finally get a title that I’ve earned. Because I would rank my gameplay in a reasonable team at Glad level +.

I don’t expect any Glad players to sign up here, but of course you are also welcome.

If you want to become a cool team of 3 and what to tear, feel free to contact me. Of course I will also gamble ALTs and also my 2nd main Rogue.

But I mainly focus on Resto Shaman.

Focus macros, reasonable UI, DR tracking etc should all be available for you and also work. But I think of a mind. Duelist Player is also to be expected.

Please contact me really only if you want to improve, have general maturity (mentally) and also a good PC setup, if you play on 60hz with a 20 Euro keyboard and Duelist is nice for you but then you are the wrong candidate. I think you know what I mean by this.

Which of us 3 then becomes an Ingameleader, then shows up with time, I don’t commit to anything. I just think it’s important that you actively call and also give feedback.

I will level up to max lvl in peace, I will play full PvP and I hope to have found a team of 3 by then, with whom I usually play daily.

I don’t expect you on call 24/7, not everyone can live as beautifully as I wink.

If any of you also like to play Healer, you may also be able to play various comps with Assa Rogue, something like Rogue Lock, RPS, whatever.

If you are looking for a decent arena team and a capable healer who really has something to tear, please contact me.

B-net Tag: Dominik#23289
Discord: soerider
Please also leave me a message offline!

Feel free to add me and please get in touch with class / Specc / age / Arena XP / time invest that you can afford.

Letsgo :slight_smile:

sounds good

full of wintraders at 2100mmr which is almost starting mmr last season? nah

What makes you think that? :smiley:
if you are just even near that level you would be atleast 2600+ in shuffle on rshaman id say even higher.

Other than that i wish you alot of luck. If you work hard and try to improve everything is possible :slight_smile:

Hidden checkpvp✔️
Rogue main✔️

I play on an old laptop on my bed, that didn’t stop me from getting ratings that I wanted It’s none of your concern how someone prefers to play their game.

You haven’t earned anything, especially when you can’t break 2k in shuffle

People in LFG are there for a reason that includes you.


he is probably refering to people who perma lag, fps drop, game crash randomly, etc.

those people do exist, and getting a 2v3 or 1v2 because your guy is playing on a microwave and can’t even get a loading screen faster than 2 minutes is pure depression

i have such a friend whos really good, but had numerous games where he just didn’t load in, game crashed, fps lagged or whatever and it was a really crappy way to lose

I don’t have a keyboard and my mouse is 5 euro So i guess I’m not good enough for this guy