I’ve been playing since Classic (though I was quite young when it came out), so I started getting more into the game when Cataclysm came around and that’s where my love for raiding came
I took a break in part of SL and part of DF and been slowly getting back into the game in TWW. I always aim, and have gotten Curve, and the odd CE here and there, but that’s not something I am really looking for as of now.
I would like to find a guild where the social aspect is thriving. I would also love a guild that’s accepting of more shy players when it comes to voice. Typing is fine, but it might take a few nights for the discord chats to flow freely If raiding is happening, I’d love the chance to get back into it, though only as a casual aspect (Though curve is expected).
I do main Guardian druid, but from Classic > WoD I was a main healer so that is something I can potentially do too. I have the least raid experience on DPS, but I can play Ele Shaman if needed!
All in all, I just want a place where there’s no hassle, no toxicity and where people treat others with respect.
Think Phoenix of the Sun might be the right environment you are looking for.
We are an old established guild with an active discord community. When joining group content fe raiding , listening in is fine if you’re more comfortable that way.
Some info about us:
Phoenix of the sun was founded almost 20 years ago as a PVE guild. Our biggest goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for our members to play in.
For us the person behind the character or role they play is more important. We strive to include anyone in our activities.
We understand that life happens so we don’t make joining any activity mandatory. We apply a flexible approach and welcome any players who want a balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities.
Phoenix of the sun is a casual guild. We like to progress raid content ( normal / heroic) . with a focus on clearing HC. We are a social guild that raids, not a dedicated raiding guild. This means raiding is optional; we have no mandatory attendance, no ‘skill trials’ and so on. Anyone who wants to raid is welcome.
Occasional groups of mythic + are set up during the week as well.
Not a big fan of raiding or mythic + , but enjoy farming old content , getting achievements, … Phoenix of the sun can be the potential home for you. We encourage any type of gameplay.
As a social guild our overriding goal is to have fun, help each other out and just enjoy our time in Azeroth.
Most of us have reached a mature age. We have almost 20 years of history, friendships built, relationships formed and we do hold in real life meet ups.
We also have a discord so we can keep in touch outside of Azeroth.
Recruitment Needs:
Any role
Language: English
Raid Schedule: Mondays and thursdays from 20:00 to 23:00.
I see what you are looking for, we are a top 10 guild who come from classic to retail. We are now trying to get a raid comp going but we wanna step back from the hardcore Gaming and focus more on the social aspect of the game. Obviously we are still trying to complete the end came but its just Not our main focus anymore. If you are intrested let me know by sending me a message!