LF an active, friendly guild/community


Currently I am on Silvermoon but I don’t mind to transfer on Argent Dawn or Ravencrest (since those are most popular realms) if I find an active, friendly guild with event times 21:00 ST (or later) during week or 20:00 ST (or later) during weekend.

I find myself as a casual player who plays daily. I like to do N/HC raids and keys up to 15. Beside that I like to quest, explore and hunt mounts, achievements and mogs.

Mostly what I am looking for is an active guild or community to make new friends, have fun and enjoy while doing content together.

My main is Resto Shaman with bad DPS as Elemental (still learning) and Frost Mage alt.

You can reach me via:
Bnet: Lightforge#21909
Discord: Jurke39#3352


I’ve added you on bnet, I think we would be a good fit, at least for the weekends.