Hiya. I don’t know if we might fit the bill. Dark Wolves is a Horde guild on the joint realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos. We’re an 18+ social/casual raiding guild primarily made up of people who have families, responsibilities, jobs and just play WoW to relax and have fun.
We raid twice a week, usually, on a Wednesday and Friday 9.30 to midnight server time. We’ve just finished clearing Normal Eternal Palace so have started on heroic - currently we’re running raids in both instances (at the moment Heroic on a Wednesday, Normal on a Friday).
Occasionally a “social Sunday” raid is run by one of the guild members/officers, at an earlier time, for a more relaxed pace and sometimes for achievements.
Outside of raiding people do Islands, M+, general questing, achievements, pet battles - anything really.
For the social side of things … I can’t guarantee there will be non-stop guild chat … because some of us are really bad at multitasking
However, we do have conversations fairly regularly in guild chat - we also have a discord server that we use as an extension/addition. Note that generally we are only on voice comms during raids or the occasional dungeon run.
Depending on the time of day, and the day itself, we can have everything from only a few online, to 20-30. Sometimes we’re quiet, sometimes we chat. Sometimes its just asking advice about a quest or an achievement, other times it’s a general chat about something random (we had a VERY long conversation recently about pancakes and sausage rolls, would you believe!).
If you’d like to know more about it, please check out our website at www.darkwolves.eu
… you are also welcome to join our discord https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
to have a look at how we use it and, if you want, ask any questions you may have.
Whatever you decide … good luck!