Hello there,
My good mate got me back in to the game after half a year long break or even more. Reason I quit back then, and not just then but most of the time I decide to give this game a break, was that I got burned out trying to progress ranks with LFG tool.
I’ve been hoovering around 1.8-1.9 3v3/RBG exp with multiple classes and would really like to try and push that up which should be no problem if I knew more like minded people.
Currently trying to gear a Assassination Rogue and prepare for the next season. What my second/alt class will be remains to be seen when the season finally starts so Im still open for suggestions and eventual comp. requirements.
It would be great to add me if you wanna que some 3s together and see if we fit together to be prepared for the next season.
Also I wouldn’t mind joining some kind of PvP community or guild for doing RBGs.
And eventually. if you just wanna hang out and do some random stuff also feel free to add, generally its nice to have more friends and do stuff together.