LF arena partners

Hi there,
I recently came back to playing and transfered to Earthshaker from Gehennas. I am trying to find some people to play arena with, but couple of days of spamming chat does nothing. Are there really no experienced healers that fancy to play 2v2 and then maybe start building serious 3v3 team? I’m wow veteran who played in original classic, tbc, wotlk and cata. My experience as a warrior is 2k in tbc (as a full clicker), 2,4k in wotlk and 2670 in cata. I’m not saying it’s great, but I know the drill. I also played on low populated RP realm where it was hard to find decent partners. I also have full pvp (337 resi) set with Stormherald when it comes to gear. I think it should be enough to easly hit at least 2k rating as definetly I feel like I’m better player than I was back in old tbc times.

Also something about myself… I’m 34 years old and I’m from Poland. Due to RL I most likely play from monday to wednesday during evenings (20-24). I love to play pvp and arena in general and I am happy to play it everytime I’m online.

I am looking for long term 2v2 partner with whom I will create 3v3 team later on. I am definetly going to play in wotlk as well. Generally I want to enjoy the game by playing pvp on decent level. Contact me in game: Zakapior#2825 or Zakapior in game. Cheers!

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