LF arena partners

Hi all,

As I am not always loving the SS experience as a healer, I guess it might be time to go and look for partners to play arena with. This can be 2s, 3s or both. I’m a healer and I can play diferent classes (rsham, evoker and soon hpal). Most importantly though, I am looking for friendly people. I am most certainly open for feedback/criticism on my gameplay, as I do want to improve. That does not mean that I want to be insulted or play with people that rage after losing. And if you are one of those dps players that tends to blame the healer for a loss while not having pressed a single defensive button/cd yourself while also lining my heals, please don’t bother responding. Be chill, is all I ask. I have no xp in climbing the ladder (1.6 in 2s is about the best I’ve done). However, I want to try and push towards 2k and having fun doing it.

I do not have a set schedule and I am by no means a hardcore player. Do not expect me to be only every day and/or night. I can most certainly play arena at least twice a week.

Leave a comment if interested :slight_smile: .


Hey bud I am also looking for pvp players ! Let’s get in touch;

Bnet: Pete#22206

Discord: LiquidPete#9016

Hey Kula,

I am a fan of 2s and love playing with Rsham and Disc/Holy Priests. I have 2.4k xp but I would say I am more of a 2.2k xp guy as I’ve only hit 2.4k once in 2s.

I mainly play Demo and Destro.
