LF bear tank for BRD arena/Angerforge runs

Hail, champions.

My associate and I are looking for a mighty bear tank for our BRD adventures. I know your kind might be interested in Warstrife Leggings, so we’ll be more than happy to have you in our group.

Feel free to contact me in-game at any time.


I suggest joining the LookingForGroup channel by typing /join LookingForGroup ingame.

You’ll find people who are online and in-game and alot of people roam that channel in order to find groups.

You could also do /who Druid 55-60 if you are still struggling to find people in the higher level range that you can /w and ask if they’re a tank.

Good luck.

Thanks for your suggestion, Rushorn. However, I’m well aware of the channel. It’s just that in my experience, bear tanks are quite rare, so we’re trying to use every possible means of communication to attract one.

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