LF casual guild

Hey everyone!

Considering the guild are now cross-realm, I thought this might be a good time to look for a home ahead of time for the launch of TWW. I am looking to raid casually, do M+, delves, some PvP here and there. I have some experience raiding/raidleading and have gotten various AOTC achievements.

I have been with the same group of people for 2 expansions across 2 guilds. But everyone more of less stopped playing unfortunately. I would love to find a new home for the new expansion with nice people to run dungeons and raids with and generally just talk nonsense on DC.

I play any class and any role. But generally in this order of preference:

  1. Guardian Druid
  2. Resto Druid/Holy Paladin/Prot Paladin
  3. Resto Shammy
  4. A DPS class.

I am in my 30s, playing WoW since 2008ish. If you’d think your guild would be a nice fit or you want to reach out to me just hit me up on DC to have a chat:
DC Username: Goldenpants92. Or add me on Battlenet: GoldenPants#22841.


One and All Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself
we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

Socials and M+ pushers are welcome too ofc

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…,.,.,


You sounds like you’d be a good fit for Resolve! Have a look below and let me know what you think :slight_smile: