LF Casual raiding guild


So for the past months Ive been playing a bit of TBC Classic, but seeing as I cleared the content (apart from Kil`Jaeden and M’uru) all those years ago, I kind of lost interest as I cant dedicate myself to “hardcore” raiding anymore.

Been playing the game since launch back in the day, and have a lot of characters that I now enjoy fooling around on.
But I really do miss the social aspect of the game, as that is mostly what has been keeping me playing for all those years.

Im not looking for a guild that expects me to show up for raids 3 days a week, so I guess Im looking for a social spot in a guild, with a chance to join a normal / HC run now and then.
I also enjoy doing M+, but havent really gotten down to do it in S2 as i came in a bit “late” and its almost impossible to find pugs with bad gear these days :slight_smile:

I have a warlock, shaman, warrior, paladin, druid, mage, demon hunter and hunter at max level, and most other classes at 50+

If you have a spot for me, whisper me ingame on Evilpooh as I really enjoy playing destrolock these days, or add me on Bnet at Jorgen#2781

If you want to have a look at the character Ive been playing the most, check out Megajorgen on Dentarg, level 60 warrior which is also the first character I made in this game :slight_smile:

Kind regards
A 36 year old that have no friends that play this game anymore.

Hello there!

If you are willing to start on a new server (Silvermoon) and play alliance, then Twisted Reality would welcome you with open arms. Newly made casual guild that aims to hit AOTC each tier, starting our first raid this Wednesday.

The guild has just exploded with people, alredy about 60+ players in the guild and constantly 10+ players online.

Hope it sounds interesting! :slight_smile:


Hi there. Our guild sounds like it might fit what you’re looking for.

Dark Wolves on the connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos has been around since early 2007.

We are a horde, 18+ guild that caters for people who want somewhere to chill, run a few M+, possibly the occasional casual raid, perhaps gather a few achievements, etc along the way.

Our members have a variety of interests - some are solely interested in raiding, or M+, or chasing achievements, or transmogs, or levelling alts, but generally most have a bit of a thing for most or all of those things.

We have an active discord channel for text chat where various competitions are held, M+ are organised, raids are discussed, etc. We use Teamspeak for voice comms for raids, and discord for any other events.

We also have a website (where you can find our guild rules and application form) and Facebook page.

If you’d like to know more about us, visit our realm advert: [H] Dark Wolves - 18+, Casual Normal/Heroic raiding, M+ & Social

Feel free to pop into our discord - we welcome guests there and are happy to answer any questions you may have: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe

Good luck!

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If you want to come hang out with more old-timers please take a look below and feel free to shoot me a msg on Discord: