LF Casual Raiding/M+ Guild

Hi there,

I’m a long time WoW player, looking forward to TWW.
Most of my chars are on Draenor, but i do have some on Silvermoon and Argent Dawn

Trying to find a casual guild that raids and does some m+ keys.
I tend to play almost everyday, and would like to be part of a team.
Ideally the raid times would be 21:00 s/t, days don’t matter too much, just cannot guarantee attendance regularly before 21:00.

I have every class at 70 currently, with my ww monk being my main for majority of dragonflight.
Since taking a break and then coming back for the pre-patch, i have been enjoying my other classes.
Currently my main warband chars are my Ret Pally, Bm Hunter, Blood Dk and Mw Monk.
I have mained quite a few diff classes over the years.
I am quite happy to change alts or try diff specs depending on what the team needs.

If there are any guilds out that that i could become a part of, please let me know.

Thanks for Reading :slight_smile:

One and All Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself
we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

Socials and M+ pushers are welcome too ofc

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk


I have been trying to find a guild who game after 21:00ST too but without much luck. So have decided to try and start one for people like us. Your welcome to come join. Or let me know if you find an existing guild that plays late!

Maybe Punished could be the place you are looking for. We raid from Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, real life and family first type of community who has members from both factions across various realms both in community and in the guild. We’re all older and have lives to deal with. Game is just a fun activity to do together.

Your server and faction is irrelevant since we do believe in play what you like, where you like. Even belonging to another guild and joining us when you can is more then fine :slight_smile:

Our aim is AotC, with possible early mythic bosses. We do m+ with guild, our community and various other communities ingame we are part of. So things to do and new friends to find.

If you wish to know more, add me on discord mari.s

Full recruitment post can be found here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!