LF Casual Raiding/M+ Guild

Maybe Punished could be the place you are looking for. We raid from Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, real life and family first type of community who has members from both factions across various realms both in community and in the guild. We’re all older and have lives to deal with. Game is just a fun activity to do together.

Your server and faction is irrelevant since we do believe in play what you like, where you like. Even belonging to another guild and joining us when you can is more then fine :slight_smile:

Our aim is AotC, with possible early mythic bosses. We do m+ with guild, our community and various other communities ingame we are part of. So things to do and new friends to find.

If you wish to know more, add me on discord mari.s

Full recruitment post can be found here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!