LF DPS for m+ grp

Hey guys :slight_smile:

(Please read the full text, before contacting us.)

we, a team of five players (not all dps able to attend daily), are looking for one more dps (full on hunters and paladins, possibly no augvoker as it doesn’t match our composition).

We are doing m+ daily in the evenings (starting at 7:30 st) and are happy to have you around if you are non-toxic, funny, friendly, chill, reliable, able to join discord and a “decent” dps. We are fine if you fail on some mechanics or have bad days, that happens. For the required performance level: Currently we are working on timing 23/24 keys.

That said for us it is a lot about the group activity itself (banter, friendly atmosphere) and the pushing keys is going well along with it. We are here to play the game for fun and are by no means hardcore, still we enjoy progressing, so we prefer a person that fits in the group well. We do not play meta, we play what we enjoy.

We like to know with who we are playing and to just have a good time together. Raging, fingerpointing, leaving/ditching a keystone or things along that road are nothing we want to encounter. If you do that, do not contact us.

We are mature people (30+) and are looking for easy going, funny and cool people that want to do m+ regularly in this/next season. Even better if you stay longer with us :wink:

Enjoy your day and see you around :slight_smile:

Still looking for one dps, for almost all days :slight_smile: Join us!

Still looking!

I am also looking, but i am a back-comer with no experience on 23/24. I am at 20/21 at the moment. I have played quite high in the past, Legion and Shadowlands. If that is fine with you, Zael#21677

Balance Druid

Hey if u guys still looking for any dps, im looking for ppl to play keys with. Im 30+, mature and no rager :smile: I just swapped to a rogue so im currently gearing up (can also do monk). I usually stop at 2500 for achievement, but I rly wanna aim higher keys than 20/21. I play most nights and late nights. add Lipkiss#21401 if u need a dps at anytime.

Are you guys still looking DPS? I would like to find the stable team for the next season

Hey, Havoc DH here for S3. Finished S1 at over 2.9 RIO as a tank, played casually in S2 and I’m back for S3.

Looking to push over 3k RIO this season as Havoc.

Quicko#1615 is my Discord.