LF Dragonflight Mythic Raiding & M+ Guild [Ravencrest / Draenor - EU]


I’m looking for a new guild to raid mythic with in Dragonflight!
Open to join from Draenor[H] or Ravencrest[A].
Even am open to server transfer if the offer is worth the money!

i’m a mythic raider with most experience from Tier 19 - Tier 25

Have lots of mythic kills and 1 CE


  • every day but Thursday evening

Also have an average of 2K+ rating in M+ getting KSM almost every season (didnt play SL Season 1 & 3)

RaiderIO: raiderio/characters/eu/draenor/Feldera
WarcraftLogs: warcraftlogs/character/eu/draenor/feldera

Hey there Feldera,

If your Thursdays ever open up for some awesome reason - we are looking for a Rogue to complete the roster in Dragonflight.

[A] Team Orange - LF Raiders to complete the roster for Dragonflight! - Defias Brotherhood / Ravenholdt et al. - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Good luck in your search.