LF English speaking AOTC Mythic raiding guilds that start from 9pm ST - Healer enquiring

Hi there - as the title suggests I am after a guild (English speaking) that raids from 9pm ST/8pm UK time.

I’ve got a healer (over 630 without ring) and LF a raiding guild that can match the times suggested above.

An AOTC guild is a must and early Mythics would be a bonus, though not essential.

The guild should have a social focus to it and that could be in game and on Discord/Comms.

I’m in my 40’s, from the UK, and played Wow on and off since Vanilla, though I’ve taken a break from gaming for the past few years. I like to consider myself a good healer and a main stay for any guild - I am reliably on most days and if I sign up I’m there, prepared, gear max’d out and flasks… etc etc. I’m also pretty social.

If you could leave your #tag and I’ll get in touch in game. Cheers :slight_smile:


Im currently recruiting for Heroic and Mythic raiding next tier. We start raiding at 2100 to work around family life so might suit you?

Reimo#2869, look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you - I’ve sent you a friends request and will try to speak with you when you are on next.

Hey Allice, take a look at the post below. think we might be what you are looking for but please feel free to add myself or Mud if you want to chat over any details

4/8 M Sun/Mon 21:00 - 00:00 Casual raiding Guild LFM members to join us for season 2 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

jxmjxm#2581, 4/8M we raid 20:30 ST and finish up at 23:30 not a minute longer.

Hey Allice,

You sound like a great fit for our guild! We’re a casual / semi-hardcore group of committed players that focuses on PvE and social content, and we think you’d enjoy what we have to offer. We do raid a bit earlier than your availability (1900 ST/CET), but we are also active during most nights doing mythic+. So if you’re looking for a active and chill community that raids and does mythic+, check us out!

Drop us a message (Discord - multiply. / Battle.net - Multiply#2590) if you’d like to chat or learn more. Hope to see you soon!


Hey, if you are still looking for a guild maybe you want to check this.


Would love to speak with you some more on this.
Please add me on battlenet :slight_smile:

Speak soon,

Hiya, if you’re still looking please see the below post.

You can contact me directly on the following!
Discord: Decinit Battlenet: FróstWolf#2516

If you haven’t found a good fit yet feel free to contact me either on bnet morrisq3#2970 or on discord caniniechris :slight_smile: