Hello there im looking for a person to play with Wow and other games,i play wow(on eu and ru)now a days casually but could go more if i had someone to play with , have a lot of alts and like lvling new ones , playing warcraft 3 ,Hots ,Vermintide , survival games (minecraft ,terraria ,ark) , dota 2,divinity 2,smite ,mordhau and a lot more, if ur interested to play with me just drop me ur btag
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This link might be something you want to look at too
ty for reply sir (but this person wants to go some mythic and raids in wow (i can do those but mainly i was looking for a pal to play other games aswell as wow))
Emje meant we have a dedicated thread to look for friends.
Its not done here on General Discussion.
wich one is it ?im not looking players for pvp neither pve)
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