Lf friendly/casual guild that also like to run dungeons

Hello everyone,

Im a returning player, been out the game around 3 years now but who ever stays off WOW forever?

Ive been playing on and off since WOLTK days and stopped in Shadowlands where I done alot of Mythic + dungeons and also heroic raiding and now returned to occupy myself again!

Im looking for a friendly and helpful guild that likes to run dungeons (trying to get myself into this again) I would consider casual raiding also.

If you think I may be a good fit please leave your details below :slight_smile:

Hi there!

We’re a social / casual raiding guild, and it sounds like you’d be a good fit! We’re looking for chill people to have a laugh with!

You can shoot us an application, the guild name is Wormbro. You can also just shoot a pm to any of our officers if you’d like to have a chat first.

Hello there Elfilda

I definitely think you would love to be in our guild and I would love to have a chat with you about everything you are looking to do in TWW because I think our social community would really like to have you.

You can get in contact with me on the following.
BNet: Thunderhawk#2564
Discord: Thunderhawk270

Who We Are:

Community: A tight-knit group of friends who believe in supporting each other and creating unforgettable memories.

Goals: Goals: Allowing returning and new players to experience challenging content like high M+ and Mythic Raiding, as well as providing a nice social environment for more casual players via Normal and Heroic Raids, delves outdoor content, transmog runs and many more!

Environment: Friendly, inclusive, and dedicated to helping each member grow and excel.

What We Offer:

Experienced Leadership: Knowledgeable leaders with a passion for progression and a willingness to mentor.

Raiding & Dungeons: Regular M+ Dungeon runs and organized Mythic Raiding sessions.
As well as Normal and Heroic reclears to help members gear up alts or mains.

Growth Opportunities: A supportive environment for new players to learn and experienced players to lead.

Social Events: Guild events, contests, and more to keep the fun alive outside of dungeons and raids.

Hi mate,

If youre still looking, we may be in need of a Havoc DH. Ill leave this for you to take a look out, if youre interested, let me know.
