Hello im Looking for guild on Outland im ally done 9/9 normal BOD +4 on hc on my horde. im hunter nelf with 355 i lvl. Im from sweden im 27 years. right now i study and have alot of time if you want to know more just send me a pm =)
HI We Run a guild called the council of ricks on Twisting Nether Horde, We’re currently in the process of restarting the guild after a 4 year break, we are specifically after ranged dps, our raid days are wednesday and sunday between 21:00 and 00:00.
If this sounds fun to you add me on battlenet Draftrabbit#2587
hello allrdy in guild with my horde and wrong server but thanks =)
I can see you want a guild on Outland but i’ll pop my head up for Silvermoon if you’re interested in a change at any point.
are the server conected to outland?
Silvermoon is not, no. We also require all members who pass trial to join our guild and I believe that Silvermoon isn’t connected to any server, so would mean a server hop for you!