LF guild for 9.2

Hey all.

Having just returned to game last month after last guild fell apart at start of Shadowlands, I’m looking for a new home for 9.2!

I’m playing a Paladin, as Ret or Prot. Curently 243 ilvl and all conduits upgraded to max. Only other character I have is my monk which is stuck from start of Shadowlands so not geared at all.

I’m 38, and I’m from Scotland. My goals are to go into mythic content, but not too fussed about hitting CE. More in it for the fun and banter while raiding.

I’m on Draenor Horde, and would rather not transfer anywhere.

If anyones interested in a chat, my discord is Corlena#6295. My b.net is Tommi#2830

Hey if you are looking for an active day guild, that does M+, HC raids for socials, and has a Mythic raid team also come on over to our discord for a chat!