Hey Noxihunt!
Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for!
We’ve been around since 2007 and have always valued friendship, camaraderie and teamwork over pixels. These days, we love running M+ and have enjoyed amazing success in HC raids over the course of DF and SL and have enjoyed some Mythic boss kills in S3 and 4 DF for fun. Most of us also have tonnes of alts
Our discord has loads of chatter as well 
Many of our members have very busy IRL commitments, including family, partners/spouses and health conditions, so we all understand the limits these things impose on our passion for gaming! 
Our raids are Sun and Tues, 21:30 ST - 23:00 ST (to account for all those commitments like feeding kids, walking dogs, kids bedtimes, spouse/partner time, work commutes etc haha) but even with these shorter raid times, we have thoroughly enjoyed raiding success. We run various M+ levels on Wed/Thurs/Fri nights (also scheduled) - these change throughout the season, as interests change and skill and gear changes 
We have space for DPS - bonus points if they’re flexible and happy to fill other roles when needed
Unfortunately, our raid tank spots are in hot competition with existing members haha! So if your Guardian druid is happy to DPS and perhaps be a reserve tank, that would be amazing
Our M+ nights offer more scope for tanks and healers, as those are usually the spots we’re looking to fill there xD
With Cross-faction guilds in DF and cross-realm guilds in TWW, hopefully faction and server won’t matter too much? We are originally an alliance guild, but loads of people have taken advantage of the x-faction guilds feature
We are based on Turalyon/Doomhammer, but we cannot wait for x-realms in TWW!
Things are currently quiet - a lot of guildies enjoy other games during content lulls in WoW and this time of year is also very busy IRL for a lot of us; but we’re all still about and check in with each other and cannot wait for new content soon 
if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch - Discord is the best for the next week or two, as my IRL is jam-packed; Lakshmii (or Lakshmii#0552 )
You are welcome to join our DC server as well, but almost everything is gated with member access, so don’t be put off when you can’t see much on there! You’ll only be able to view what’s required for applying to the guild, if you don’t have member access. discord.gg/qAFe3Rmj
Looking forward to hearing from you!