LF Guild for TWW on Ragnaros (H)

Hi, myself and some friends are looking to join a horde guild for TWW on ragnaros.

I am a main dps, can play hunter/druid/mage/lock/pala/evoker (hunter is my preferred main)

Friend 1 = multi role capable, prefers dps but is also a very skilled healer and can play pretty much any class

Friend 2 = Guardian Druid main, can also dps etc

We are looking for first and foremost a friendly, casual english speaking guild.
We are all prior AotC Raiders, with 2 of us pushing deep into mythic raiding previously (my friend has done a lot of mythic raiding in DF)

We would love to do m+, raiding etc, although for two of us raiding would probably be very casual due to work etc. also i have a young daughter and other commitments so cant guarantee set availability for raids, but would love to help the guild progress when i am available.

Our main focus is just to find a home where we are happy and comfortable, and can dip in and out of activities where available.

If any guilds are interested in a few new members then please let me know.

Hi there!
Punished could be something for you maybe? Long story you can read here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!

We are on another realm, but I do believe (and hope) that in TWW cross realm guilds will be a thing and the realm you are on does not matter. So far we have accomodated our none guild members (either from other realms or guilds) via community option.

We are casual, some times might take progression bit more seriously then your average casual guild. Our main is AotC and if roster allows some mythic bosses.
We do not track attendance, we do not demand people to be online, farm things and keep a 90% attendance rate (although for tanks and healers it is highly preferred :wink: ). Raid when you can is what we do since most of us have commitments outiside of the raid.

Outside of raiding m+ is done inside the guild and via couple of communities out’s is linked with through various friends.

Discord is quiet unfortunately, outside of activities we do together we are not that chatty.

If you are interested add me on discord and I will gladly answer your questions. And presently we are just clearing heroic on Wednesday to have fun and do something until TWW then it is good time to join that raid and see what and who we are and will we fit you.
My discord: mari.s


We are recruiting for a 1 night a week raiding guild for War Within. It’s based on twisting-Nether horde, now with War Within on the horizon, it wont really matter what server or faction you’ll be playing on.

Our aim for the tier is to establish a solid mythic raid team and ideally be clearing 3-5/9 mythic by the end of the first tier - with a long term aim to improve on that in the following tiers.

We consider ourselves a midcore raiding team, compromised of a mix of ex-hardcore raiders, and dad raiders who dont have the time to commit multiple nights a week. We also have active m+ players aviailable for keys most nights.

raid times:
Mondays 20:00-23:00
If we decide to make a 2nd day for the first weeks its thursdays.

Can add me on battle.net: Vilanto#2439 or discord: treehugger#8182

Hey Noxihunt!

Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for!

We’ve been around since 2007 and have always valued friendship, camaraderie and teamwork over pixels. These days, we love running M+ and have enjoyed amazing success in HC raids over the course of DF and SL and have enjoyed some Mythic boss kills in S3 and 4 DF for fun. Most of us also have tonnes of alts :joy: Our discord has loads of chatter as well :slight_smile:

Many of our members have very busy IRL commitments, including family, partners/spouses and health conditions, so we all understand the limits these things impose on our passion for gaming! :joy:

Our raids are Sun and Tues, 21:30 ST - 23:00 ST (to account for all those commitments like feeding kids, walking dogs, kids bedtimes, spouse/partner time, work commutes etc haha) but even with these shorter raid times, we have thoroughly enjoyed raiding success. We run various M+ levels on Wed/Thurs/Fri nights (also scheduled) - these change throughout the season, as interests change and skill and gear changes :slight_smile:

We have space for DPS - bonus points if they’re flexible and happy to fill other roles when needed :smiley: Unfortunately, our raid tank spots are in hot competition with existing members haha! So if your Guardian druid is happy to DPS and perhaps be a reserve tank, that would be amazing :smiley: Our M+ nights offer more scope for tanks and healers, as those are usually the spots we’re looking to fill there xD

With Cross-faction guilds in DF and cross-realm guilds in TWW, hopefully faction and server won’t matter too much? We are originally an alliance guild, but loads of people have taken advantage of the x-faction guilds feature :smiley: We are based on Turalyon/Doomhammer, but we cannot wait for x-realms in TWW!

Things are currently quiet - a lot of guildies enjoy other games during content lulls in WoW and this time of year is also very busy IRL for a lot of us; but we’re all still about and check in with each other and cannot wait for new content soon :smiley:

if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch - Discord is the best for the next week or two, as my IRL is jam-packed; Lakshmii (or Lakshmii#0552 )

You are welcome to join our DC server as well, but almost everything is gated with member access, so don’t be put off when you can’t see much on there! You’ll only be able to view what’s required for applying to the guild, if you don’t have member access. discord.gg/qAFe3Rmj

Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:


I am the GM for Astral Echoes, we’re looking for DPS and healers.

As per prepatch or expansion launch, guilds will be cross realm! We are a new Guild lead by experienced mythic raiders that are looking to push into mythic while having fun!

Our raid days and times are Thursdays, Fridays and mondays from 19:00 to 23:00 Server time.

Please give our post a read! or feel free to add me on discord: penelope_blossom

3 Day raiding Guild LF Raiders for The War WithinAstral Echoes

One and All Guild a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people
We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM till 11:00 server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW
Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit