LF Guild for TWW on Ragnaros (H)

Hi there!
Punished could be something for you maybe? Long story you can read here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!

We are on another realm, but I do believe (and hope) that in TWW cross realm guilds will be a thing and the realm you are on does not matter. So far we have accomodated our none guild members (either from other realms or guilds) via community option.

We are casual, some times might take progression bit more seriously then your average casual guild. Our main is AotC and if roster allows some mythic bosses.
We do not track attendance, we do not demand people to be online, farm things and keep a 90% attendance rate (although for tanks and healers it is highly preferred :wink: ). Raid when you can is what we do since most of us have commitments outiside of the raid.

Outside of raiding m+ is done inside the guild and via couple of communities out’s is linked with through various friends.

Discord is quiet unfortunately, outside of activities we do together we are not that chatty.

If you are interested add me on discord and I will gladly answer your questions. And presently we are just clearing heroic on Wednesday to have fun and do something until TWW then it is good time to join that raid and see what and who we are and will we fit you.
My discord: mari.s