Hey Peeps
My name is Peter, I’m 30 and from England (North West).
I have played WoW since Vanilla (Ele Shaman since Vanilla). I will be rerolling Rogue for ganking and trolling, Warrior for PvE tanking and a Shaman for nostalgia. Leveling all will take time so my focus will be on the order ive stated the classes in.
I will be mainly interested in leveling, dungeons, quests, exploring the whole map (I remember the 12+ hours it took me back in the day to do this on 100% mount), World PvP, End game dungeons. Im not fussed when it comes to raiding.
I will be online for launch and alot for the first few weeks, I would love to be in a guild for this so we can pew pew together.
Thanks for reading.
Battletag - Peter#25305