I’ve typed here before but wanted to again as I’m more aware of what I am now looking for.
Im looking for a guild that does regular m+ and raiding, i am no hardcore player but i play the game daily in the evenings and the majority of what i do are m+. I reaaaallllyyy want to get into raiding, i have no raid experience but i know i would love it and im a keen learner and player of the game.
Most raids seem to start around 8pm server time which is 7pm UK time, the problem is that im never on until 9pm server time (parent life). Im also on a “new players” realm which i guess doesnt help with trying to find a new guild… who knows but either way im happy to change realms to join the right guild. Sorry im posting on here again but I just havent found the right guild yet so thought i would do another post 
[ Origin of Insanity] a friendly guild looking to expand our numbers any players new/old/ lvlers or people who just wanna chat, we are a social guild raid Saturdays 10/10 normal CN looking to progress to HC we also M+ daily we have a very active discord come join the fun
we raid 9pm realm time
battal tag mealiesmum#2416
MORTAL-RAIDING guild recruiting motivated players for our raiding team for heroic and mythic progression in 9.1 . We offer a great community & and well organized raids. As our GOAL in 9.1 will be to achive Cutting Edge. We are in need Only of RANGE…
If you decide to check out alliance at some point you might enjoy your game with us.
We are a small community of mature players and like you we all can’t play early due to rl commitments.
We run mythic dungeons and raid too, along with other events
All start times are 8pm UK time onward.
We don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do our best to succeed.
Being inexperienced is no issue. We have helped loads of people get into raiding and the game in general.
If you’d like to know more or get in touch just message me Sil182#2743.
Take care and have fun!
Alliance suck on raiding dont go there i been and made mistake waste money on nothing