[LF GUILD] Long time player LF late raid team

Hi everyone!

I’m looking for a raid team to have some good times with for 2 days a week, I’m a chill player that just wants to have a good time and kill some bosses, ideally getting AOTC.

I’m on the Draenor server, but I don’t think that matters in War Within?

Given that I don’t get back home from work until 7:30 (ST), I would ideally need a raid team that starts at 8:30/9:00 (ST). Raid days ideally being Mon/wed/Thur.

I have mained warrior for years, but I’m ideally looking to change to ranged DPS in War Within, ideally a mage. However, I do have an interest in playing DK.

Happy to have a chat and feel free to add me on bnet on Adooom#2133

Hi just sent you a bnet request.

New guild looking for chilled people for raid and m+. Currently helping returning and new players to catch up and relearn classes or new ones for WW.
Feel free to fire over a message.

Do you ever get impulsively hysterical? SaveCowEatPanda is recruiting crash test dummies. If you survive, we will be willingly let you have a second go while reviewed with expended guidance on grass, pizza and alcohol. discord.gg/hrzF4ru

Hi mate, if youre still looking, we might suit what you need.

Have a look at our post and let me know.

Good luck