Heya! My friend and I are currently looking for a semi-casual guild, ideally a couple of days raiding per week to clear Nathria and progress through heroic.
I’m a 197 Shadow priest (but happy to switch to healer if needed) and my friend is a 201 Pally (either holy or ret).
Before classic came out we were progressing through heroic uldir, dazar and eternal palace which was amazing and so we’d love to get back into running progression regularly and with a group of people that we can get to know.
Also into Mythic+ and rated PvP (Though in terrible at arena as shadow currently
) so if anyone’s interested in that also that’d be a bonus but mainly we’re just looking for a good friendly group of people that we can socialise with, do some raids and generally just have a good time with.
If anyone’s recruiting/has open recruitment please do let me know, and if you want to ask any questions, get any more info definitely feel free to ask away
is a newly formed semi-hardcore raiding guild on EU-Ravencrest. We are currently looking for like-minded people to fill out our raiding roster. Our raid times are Wednesday & Sunday 19-22 server time.
At the moment we have done one semi guild run and downed 6/10 HC, we aim to clear out HC as soon as possible in order to continue progressing into Mythic.
We are currently reviewing applications for all roles.
We are a bunch of people who have been mythic raiding together for the last 3 expansions in a couple of different guilds, we decided to make our own new guild in order to match our own expectations with the raiding progress.
Most of us are in our late 20s or early 30s, so preferably we would like for people around the same age to join the guild, we do understand that real life and our families sometimes come in the way, so not being able to raid from time to time is acceptable.
We also usually push some +10 keys and up weekly in order to get them weekly rewards.
If you’re interested feel free to contact me (Katapulten#2793) for more information.
Afternoon/Evening Nicherus,
I’m hoping that Storm Riders might be what you’re looking for.
We consider ourselves a casual sandbox guild with members Part in PvP, PvE and light RP.
Not everyone takes part in every style of play, our view is;
Do the part(s) of the game you enjoy with like minded people.
We’re incredibly social and always have people online in Discord.
Currently we’re in the process of building a regular raid roster to begin pushing progression as we’ve recently had a lot of interest within the guild to do so.
AoTC being a goal that our Raid Leader would like to achieve, raiding 2x per week.
We accept players of any skill level but do require them to be Aged 21+.
More than happy to have chat if you’re interested, just drop me a message on Discord: Dodds#1708
Hey Nicherus and friend!
Going to keep it short and to the point, would love to have a chat with you. I’ve added your character to my friends list in-game and I’ll give you a poke there. You can however also check my guild’s info here to check in advance if it would be fitting to what you’re looking for. Definitely would have space for both of you. My Bnet tag is also in that thread.
Hope to chat soon.
Hi There Both,
I think I might have something you’re looking for !
We at Disciples raid two days a week Mondays and Thursdays 9pm to 12pm Server time.
We’re currently 4/10HC
We are looking for a solid healer and solid ranges dps to fill out our core progress team.
If this have peaked your interest add me on either battle tag Vanq#2404 or on discord Hoterino#6305