I am looking for casual guild for raiding and M+
Mostly i am doing M+ but I want to do some raiding on Shadowlands.
I play Protection Warrior and Blood Dk mostly and propably Blood DK at Shadowlands.
check me at raider. io
prot warrior : Doukie
BDK : Lifestealer
battle tag : Smponias#2734
Dear initiative,
We can see your pleed for a new home and we also get that this is an difficult decision. If you would like to try our guild is always open for you to join. Our guild will do events in SL and have a lot of fun in discord or guild chat. our goals is to make Hydra great again! We are a social guild who does raiding on Normal, Heroic and if we can mythic. We also do a lot of Mythic dungion runs and other small fun events. So do you want a active, endgame, social and most of all fun guild let us know and you can try us out. and if you dont like it you can always leave but you will always have a home or place free at Hydra 
With much love,
Hydra social leader DarthDDB